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Articles - Relationship News

by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 04:50 PM
A number of children are among those injured in a grenade attack on a church in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, police and media say. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 03:50 PM
At least four car bomb explosions are set off in Iraq, officials say, killing at least nine people. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 02:30 PM
A Nato soldier and a foreign contractor are killed in eastern Afghanistan, apparently in an "insider attack" by an Afghan security forces member. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 02:30 PM
Labour leader Ed Miliband says that if banks do not separate their retail and investment arms, the next Labour government will legislate to "break them up". More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 01:14 PM
Prosthetic limbs are usually designed for function rather than beauty - but one American designer is breaking with tradition. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 12:40 PM
Hundreds of Libyans hand in weapons in Benghazi and Tripoli as part of a disarmament drive organised by the army to target militia groups. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 12:00 PM
Politicians from all parties pay tribute to Labour MP and former energy minister Malcolm Wicks, who has died aged 65 after suffering from cancer. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-09-12 11:30 AM
Two opposition politicians are killed during a campaign rally in Venezuela, a week before the country's presidential elections. More...

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