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Articles - Relationship News

by loveforum Published on 09-09-12 12:10 AM
French President Francois Hollande presents former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney with the country's highest public award, the Legion of Honour. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 11:01 PM
Egyptian armed forces have killed 32 "criminal elements" since launching an operation against militants in Sinai, a spokesman says. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 10:20 PM
Holidaymakers may not see a difference around Greece's tourist spots but five years of recession are taking their toll on the people who live there. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 09:41 PM
Experts say a painting bought for a few dollars at a US flea market may turn out to be a a work by French master Pierre-Auguste Renoir. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 09:41 PM
The ECB's commitment to do what it takes to keep eurozone states' borrowing costs down is stoking concern in Germany, the BBC's Gavin Hewitt reports. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 09:10 PM
A Christian Pakistani girl who was accused by an imam of burning pages of the Koran is released from jail, an official says. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 08:00 PM
The Hong Kong government backs down over plans to force schoolchildren to take Chinese patriotism classes, after weeks of protests. More...
by loveforum Published on 08-09-12 07:30 PM
Kenya's government is to inaugurate a project that will encircle much of the country's highest peak with an electric fence to stop wild animals straying. More...

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