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Articles - Relationship News

by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 01:50 AM
Login details from 1.6 million accounts at Nasa, the FBI and Interpol have been posted on the web by hacktivist group Ghost Shell. More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 01:50 AM
The mysterious military spaceplane X-37B is due to launch for the third time on Tuesday afternoon - but as with the prior missions, details are few. More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 01:50 AM
HSBC is to pay US authorities record penalties of $1.9bn (£1.2bn) after failing to prevent money passing to "drug kingpins and rogue nations". More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 01:50 AM
Japanese company Mitsubishi has joined the race to build a radiation-resistant robot to work on the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant. More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 01:20 AM
Russian opera singer Galina Vishnevskaya, who performed soprano roles in Russian and European opera classics has died aged 86. More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 12:30 AM
The owner of a monkey that was confiscated by the authorities after it escaped and ran around the car park of a Canadian Ikea wants her pet back. More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 12:00 AM
The death of the Jacintha Saldhana has put hoax calls under the spotlight. Where is the line between humour and cruelty? More...
by loveforum Published on 12-12-12 12:00 AM
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is currently undergoing cancer surgery in Cuba, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa says. More...

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