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by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 06:11 PM
If Egypt's draft constitution passes, opposition leaders may need to consider entering government negotiations, writes the BBC's Shaimaa Khalil. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 05:40 PM
Venezuela will not call new elections if the recovering President Hugo Chavez is unable to attend his swearing-in ceremony in January, the Congress leader says. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 04:52 PM
North Korea's has the ability to fire a rocket more than 10,000km, theoretically putting the Western US in range, South Korean officials say. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 03:10 PM
Mrs Brown's Boys creator and star Brendan O'Carroll explains how it took 20 years to become an overnight success. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 02:20 PM
Norway's foreign minister calls on the UK to think of the advantages of staying in the European Union, rather than consider leaving. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 02:20 PM
Mario Monti, who resigned as Italy's caretaker prime minister, is to reveal whether he plans to run for office in elections in February. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 01:50 PM
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt says he is "disgusted" at accounts of patient neglect at a hospital in Worcestershire - including a claim that a patient starved to death. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-12-12 01:10 PM
A volcano eruption threatens villages in Argentina and Chile, where an orange alert - the second highest - has been issued. More...

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