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by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 06:40 PM
Why are we so fascinated by medical-based dramas – and can this translate to books which have a health-related theme too? More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 06:00 PM
The Obama photo that made social media history... and the young photographer who cut her teeth in Northern Ireland. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 05:20 PM
Iraq has cancelled a $4.2bn deal to buy arms from Russia because of concerns about "corruption", an Iraqi government advisor says. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 05:20 PM
Dozens of soldiers have been killed in twin explosions in the southern Syrian city of Deraa, activists said. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 04:41 PM
Pakistan's poorest families are promised cash incentives if their children attend school, as a day of action is held for a schoolgirl shot by the Taliban. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 04:41 PM
A Newsnight report which led to a Tory peer being wrongly implicated in child sexual abuse should not have been broadcast, the BBC's director general says, as he admits he did not see it before broadcast. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 03:30 PM
Seventeen Turkish soldiers have been killed in a helicopter crash in the south-east of the country, Turkish officials say. More...
by loveforum Published on 10-11-12 01:40 PM
A woman's menstrual cycle affects the severity of respiratory symptoms, potentially worsening conditions such as asthma, a study suggests. More...

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