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by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 05:30 PM
The US presidential election takes place on Tuesday, 6 November, when more than 100 million Americans will cast their vote. Follow it on the BBC. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 05:30 PM
South African police are accused of planting weapons on the bodies of workers shot dead during strikes at the Marikana platinum mine. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 04:20 PM
Russian President Vladimir Putin dismisses the country's defence minister after his ministry is caught up in a corruption scandal. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 03:41 PM
British businessman killed in China Neil Heywood was providing information to the UK secret service, the Wall Street Journal newspaper claims. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 03:41 PM
BBC correspondent John Sudworth's story about the day he woke up with half his face paralysed triggered a big response from our readers - many wrote in to share their stories of living with Bell's palsy. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 03:00 PM
Millions of Americans are voting on whether to re-elect President Barack Obama or choose Mitt Romney with polls predicting a tight race. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 01:30 PM
The arrest of an Indian businessman for sending a tweet highlights the potential for abuse of an infotech law, which many believe is sweeping in its powers, writes technology writer Prasanto K Roy. More...
by loveforum Published on 06-11-12 12:50 PM
A 45-year-old man becomes the third person to be charged with the murder of six children who died in a house fire in Derby. More...

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