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by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 06:50 AM
Three helicopters are burned down on an airfield in the Peruvian jungle, in an attack the military blames on left-wing Shining Path rebels. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 05:20 AM
The BBC's David Willey says the conviction for theft of the Pope's former butler may mark the beginning of the story rather than the end. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 04:30 AM
US President George W Bush signs a bill removing Nelson Mandela and South African leaders from the US terror watch list. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 03:50 AM
A record $181m was raised in September by US President Barack Obama's campaign team and Democratic allies, officials say. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 03:11 AM
A record $181m was raised in September by US President Barack Obama's campaign team and Democratic allies, officials say. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 12:50 AM
A university graduate from Norfolk finds work as a scarecrow, frightening the birds from a field of crops. More...
by loveforum Published on 07-10-12 12:00 AM
Are leaders losing touch with reality when they act in a power-hungry way? More...
by loveforum Published on 06-10-12 10:50 PM
A man is charged with the murder of missing five-year-old April Jones, who has been not been seen since Monday evening. More...

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