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by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 09:20 PM
Computers that work as both tablets and laptop computers are shown off in a variety of form factors ahead of the release of Windows 8. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 08:40 PM
A drunk driver who ploughed into and criticially injured a Paralympic champion cyclist who was out training for the 2012 Games, is jailed for 18 months. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 08:01 PM
Some 270 South Africans arrested during recent protests at the Marikana mine will be charged with the murder of 34 of their colleagues shot dead by police, a prosecutor tell the BBC. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 07:31 PM
Overseas students at London Metropolitan university share their anger and frustration at news the university has had its visa licence revoked. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 07:00 PM
Nasa's Wise telescope spots millions of supermassive black holes and extremely hot galaxies that had remained until now obscured by dust. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 06:21 PM
A message in a bottle which set a world record for the longest time adrift at sea was found by the same boat which discovered the previous record holder. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 05:40 PM
The Paralympics gets down to business later as the sport gets under way, following Wednesday's night spectacular opening ceremony. More...
by loveforum Published on 30-08-12 03:54 PM
Egypt's President Mursi arrives in Tehran for a two-day summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, the first visit to Iran by an Egyptian leader in three decades. More...

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