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by loveforum Published on 24-08-12 02:50 PM
US cyclist Lance Armstrong announces he will no longer fight drug charges from the US anti-doping agency, ahead of a Friday deadline. More...
by loveforum Published on 02-10-13 10:30 PM
Find someone... who'll never get tired of kissing you everyday.. who'll hug you when you're jealous who'll understandingly keep silent when you're mad who'll squeeze you're hand when you're not in the mood who'll plan and imagine the future with you in it and when you find that someone JUST NEVER LET GO! :love:
by loveforum Published on 22-11-13 03:21 PM
"Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever, it's only paper. It takes love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship & faith in your relationship to make it last."
by Cyprex Published on 15-06-15 06:32 PM
I been with this girl for a few months and she has a 2 year old son and he is so adorable he really likes me he want to be around me all the time even sometime more then hes mom :O and he would give me the sweetest kisses and he was always happy around, if he was crying i wound pick him up and hold and wipe away hes tears and he would stop crying.....
by emotionaid Published on 02-12-15 01:10 AM
Hi everyone, thought I'd share with you a few tips that helped me shed 27kg in in the last 1.5 years It may not work for everyone but thought it'd be a good idea to point out a few things that really helped! 1. Drink tea I drink Pu-Erh tea a Chinese black tea every day after dinner! It really helps with the metabolism and gets rid of ...
by loveforum Published on 05-11-13 04:18 PM
"So, tell me about yourself." :baby:
by loveforum Published on 23-06-14 10:28 AM
It’s accepted as a truism that we live in a sex-drenched culture. From our pop- and reality-TV stars to our ready access to porn, the suggestion is that, when we’re not working, sleeping or feeding ourselves, we’re banging, thinking about banging, or watching videos of other people banging. Yet the authors of “Don’t Put That in There” — both...
by loveforum Published on 17-06-14 11:06 AM
Negative emotions people may have suffered as young adults can have a lasting grip on their couple relationships, well into middle age, research demonstrates. The study followed 341 people for 25 years, and found that negative emotions they may have suffered as young adults can have a lasting grip on their couple relationships, well into middle...

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