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by loveforum Published on 19-06-14 09:58 AM
A new study by economists shows that relationship hazard rates – the threat of dissolution – among same-sex daters and cohabiters will likely increase with the probability of legalization. The model generated surprising predictions regarding why and how marriage would improve household economics. The researchers found that for some same-sex...
by loveforum Published on 19-08-06 03:27 PM
Who Pays? When you start going on several dates, the issues about who pays can shift from the routine you have set up on your first dates. As you go out more often and spend more money, you might want to share more equally in some of the expenses. And you might want to be more sensitive to who is earning more money. Talk about this without fear,...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:29 PM
After the date, you will invariably have thoughts about how it went. Hopefully you will feel peaceful and satisfied. That's the best sign that things went well and you felt good about yourself and your date. But often, the next day you may find yourself "Monday morning quarter-backing" in a critical review about what you did or said, wish...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:28 PM
Define the amount of time of the date beforehand because you don't know how the first date will turn out or how much you will like each other. That means you should say ahead of time what time you want to be home, so it doesn't cause any anxiety during the date. Doing so gives you an easy out if you are not having a good time, without either of...
by loveforum Published on 26-08-14 04:09 AM
Five suggestions to solve difficult sexual impasses It may seem like we fight over different sexual issues– frequency, quality, involvement, variety, morning or evening time–but it all boils down to one central struggle. We think the struggle is about my way or your way but it’s really about finding “our way.” How can two people with.....
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:25 PM
In this day and age, decisions about who pays for what have become more complicated than in previous dating ages, when the rules were clearer. Up until '70s, the man usually paid for everything. As more women went to work and the women's liberation movement demended equality, it became more common for couples to "go Dutch," where the man...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:25 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words. So, besides just talking, think of taking along things to show your date, to illustrate what you're up to, or something interesting that you're into. For example: a newspaper article about you or whatever you're interested in, an award you won, a gift you got from your mother, a photo of your latest vacation. ....
by loveforum Published on 15-11-13 04:49 PM
"This is your LIFE" :mad:

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