Articles - First Date


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Articles - First Date

by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:28 PM
Define the amount of time of the date beforehand because you don't know how the first date will turn out or how much you will like each other. That means you should say ahead of time what time you want to be home, so it doesn't cause any anxiety during the date. Doing so gives you an easy out if you are not having a good time, without either of...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:25 PM
In this day and age, decisions about who pays for what have become more complicated than in previous dating ages, when the rules were clearer. Up until '70s, the man usually paid for everything. As more women went to work and the women's liberation movement demended equality, it became more common for couples to "go Dutch," where the man...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:25 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words. So, besides just talking, think of taking along things to show your date, to illustrate what you're up to, or something interesting that you're into. For example: a newspaper article about you or whatever you're interested in, an award you won, a gift you got from your mother, a photo of your latest vacation. ....
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:20 PM
The art of conversation involves having the confidence to speak freely about whatever comes to your mind (without self-consciousness or second-guessing yourself), but also in a manner that engages the other person to be interested in what you are saying and feel like you are interested in them as well. Your conversation can cover many types of.....
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:28 PM
Okay, you cleared the first big hurdle. The first date is over. You can breathe easier now. So how did it go? Do you think you've met the person of your dreams, or someone you'd rather just keep as a friend, or, worse, a dud or a jerk you never want to see again? No matter how a date goes, I'm a big believer in grace after dates. That is, after...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:18 PM
Keep in mind these tips to help avoid disastrous dates: * DON'T put yourself in uncomfortable situations (such as ordering messy food -- unless you're into an erotic feeding scene, like from the movie 9 1/2 Weeks). * DON'T suggest overly expensive places or events for a first date unless you clarify who's paying. * DON'T look at other...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:21 PM
You might be good at small talk, but still face certain pitfalls. To refine your technique and really be good at capturing -- and keeping -- someone's attention, keep in mind the following. Rambling Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and you feel like you can put down the phone, or even walk a way, and they would still be...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:21 PM
Avoid falling into the "I don't know" syndrome. This is one of my big rules about dating. Not only does it sound boring to say you don't know, but it is never true. Whenever someone is telling me about a date and answers a question of mine with "I don't know," I refuse to accept that as an answer and encourage them to come up wi...
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