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Articles - Personal Development

by loveforum Published on 17-11-13 03:10 PM
"Fake friends - True friends"
by loveforum Published on 15-11-13 04:49 PM
"This is your LIFE" :mad:
by loveforum Published on 14-11-13 02:35 PM
"Lesson of time - karma"
by loveforum Published on 13-11-13 08:44 PM
"Time is like River" you cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. :nerd:
by loveforum Published on 10-10-13 10:14 PM
10 Reasons To Never Give Up 1. As long as you are alive, anything is possible. The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free) you have the choice to keep trying until you finally succeed. 2. Be realistic. The chance of mastering something the first time you do it is almost...
by AdminOnline Published on 29-08-06 04:25 PM
The Key to Taking Control By: Brian Tracy Set Priorities Stress management requires that you take complete control over the activities of your daily life. This means that you plan your day, set priorities and work on high value tasks. The indispensable key to time management is concentration, the ability to focus single-mindedly on one...
by AdminOnline Published on 29-08-06 04:24 PM
Listening Power By: Brian Tracy The art of good conversation centers very much on your ability to ask questions and to listen attentively to the answers. You can lace the conversation with your insights, ideas, and opinions, but you perfect the art and skill of conversation by perfecting the art and skill of asking good, well-worded questions.....
by AdminOnline Published on 29-08-06 04:23 PM
NITTY-GRITTY REASONS by Jim Rohn Wouldn't it be wonderful to be motivated to achievement by such a lofty goal as benevolence? I must confess, however, that in the early years of my struggle to succeed, my motivation was a lot more down-to-earth. My reason for succeeding was more basic. In fact, it fell into the category of what I like to...
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