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by loveforum Published on 11-11-12 04:30 AM
The BBC's director general, George Entwistle, resigns in the wake of Newsnight child abuse broadcast. More...
by loveforum Published on 17-11-12 09:00 PM
A renewed ground war could be disastrous for both Hamas and Israel, writes the BBC's Wyre Davies in Gaza, but the portents do not look promising. More...
by loveforum Published on 23-11-12 04:40 PM
Conditions at an Australian asylum camp on the Pacific territory of Nauru are "cruel" and "degrading", Amnesty International has found. More...
by loveforum Published on 24-11-12 02:00 PM
A roadside bomb kills at least seven people near a Shia Muslim procession in north-western Pakistan. More...
by loveforum Published on 28-11-12 07:50 AM
In many areas of Afghanistan it is local warlords who hold power, and exploit local communities using the ever-present threat of violence. More...
by loveforum Published on 29-11-12 01:50 AM
Scientists unlock key parts of the complex genetic code of wheat, one of the world's most important crops, which could help improve food security. More...
by loveforum Published on 01-12-12 12:10 PM
Treating people with HIV who have uninfected partners significantly reduces transmission rates, researchers in China have found. More...
by loveforum Published on 03-12-12 03:40 PM
A US coastguard dies after his boat is rammed by a suspected smuggler's vessel off the coast of southern California, the US Coast Guard says. More...

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