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by loveforum Published on 23-06-14 10:28 AM
It’s accepted as a truism that we live in a sex-drenched culture. From our pop- and reality-TV stars to our ready access to porn, the suggestion is that, when we’re not working, sleeping or feeding ourselves, we’re banging, thinking about banging, or watching videos of other people banging. Yet the authors of “Don’t Put That in There” — both...
by loveforum Published on 21-06-14 08:40 AM
Birth control is used worldwide by more than 60 million women. Since its introduction, it has changed certain aspects of women's lives including family roles, gender roles and social life. New research also found a link between birth control and women's preferences for psychophysical traits in a sexual mate. The researchers utilized a PMI...
by loveforum Published on 20-06-14 10:13 AM
Are you in a relationship with a psychopath? You might think that's something you'd know right away by the red tint of evil in the person's eyes, the swastika tat on the forehead, or the insistence on discussing serial killers over dinner. But nope! Psychopaths can be extremely charming and come across like Prince Charming at first. So unless you.....
by loveforum Published on 19-06-14 09:58 AM
A new study by economists shows that relationship hazard rates – the threat of dissolution – among same-sex daters and cohabiters will likely increase with the probability of legalization. The model generated surprising predictions regarding why and how marriage would improve household economics. The researchers found that for some same-sex...
by loveforum Published on 18-06-14 09:48 AM
Here's how to stop bickering and come to a resolution without putting your marriage in jeopardy. Fighting about money is fairly normal for married couples, but the key is paying attention to how and why you fight. Married and fighting about money? And are you worried about all the bickering and blaming and perhaps shouting and...
by loveforum Published on 17-06-14 11:09 AM
There is no point faking it in bed because chances are your sexual partner will be able to tell. A study found that men and women are equally perceptive of their partners' levels of sexual satisfaction. The study identified sexual communication and ability to recognize emotions as important factors that predict accuracy in gauging one partner's...
by loveforum Published on 17-06-14 11:06 AM
Negative emotions people may have suffered as young adults can have a lasting grip on their couple relationships, well into middle age, research demonstrates. The study followed 341 people for 25 years, and found that negative emotions they may have suffered as young adults can have a lasting grip on their couple relationships, well into middle...
by loveforum Published on 17-06-14 10:59 AM
There are many misconceptions and unknowns about premature ejaculation in the medical community and the general population. Two new papers provide much-needed answers that could lead to improved diagnosis and treatment for affected men. Premature ejaculation can cause significant personal and interpersonal distress to a man and his partner. While.....
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