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by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:21 PM
Avoid falling into the "I don't know" syndrome. This is one of my big rules about dating. Not only does it sound boring to say you don't know, but it is never true. Whenever someone is telling me about a date and answers a question of mine with "I don't know," I refuse to accept that as an answer and encourage them to come up wi...
by loveforum Published on 22-11-13 03:21 PM
"Marriage does not guarantee you will be together forever, it's only paper. It takes love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship & faith in your relationship to make it last."
by loveforum Published on 24-11-13 03:41 PM
"Top 10 Anti-Aging Foods" 1. Avocado 2. Ginger 3. Cruciferous Vegetables 4. Whole Meal Pasta & Rice 5. Soya 6. Garlic 7. Nuts 8. Berries 9. Water
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:17 PM
Finally! It's time for your date. Here are some tips to help things run smoothly: * DO feel confident. * DO look your best. * DO smile. * DO address your date by name frequently. * DO compliment your date. * DO listen attentively and repeat things your date says. * DO be honest about whether you're interested in seeing the.....
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:08 PM
If your mind instantly fills with images of tripping over your own feet, getting spaghetti sauce on your shirt, or, worse, feeling stupid about not knowing what to say, relax. A first date is bound to be fraught with some anxieties. Here are some ways to calm yourself down while psyching yourself up: * Remember our basic principle: Treat the...
by loveforum Published on 13-08-06 04:11 PM
As the saying goes, "Clothes make the man." It's not as materialistic as it sounds though; put simply, this means, how you dress can say a lot about you. Think about what your clothes reveal about your personality as you decide what to wear on your first date. Keep these considerations in mind when choosing your outfit: * What impressi...
by loveforum Published on 06-08-06 07:58 PM
For all the convenience of online romances, there's also a downside to cyberspace dating. These include cautions, dangers, and compromises that are similar to those for other dating services )described in the previous chapter). And because of the Internet's widespread reach -- it's accessible to all kinds of people, including characters with...

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