So... what the hell do I do?
I'm in a relationship with a beautiful girl I've known for a long time. We broke up once after a year long relationship because we no longer trusted each other. Years later, we're back together and we're not trusting each other. I have cheated in the past. It was something I regretted and I am determined not to do it again, how can I convince her of that? How can we grow closer when we argue often about trust issues, when she doesn't feel comfortable around me sometimes and often small things are taken way out of perspective. Earlier tonight, we were dining out with one of her friends I'd not met before. At some point during the dinner, I was trying to catch a goofy and candid picture of her friend so I could joke with and cheer up my girlfriend because she has a lot of things going on. After dinner, she told me that she believes I was planning on trying to sleep with her friend in the future because I took a picture. I deleted all but one and I honestly intended to delete them all. I tried explaining this, but her only conclusion is that I wanted to sleep with her friend and was already planning on trying to make it happen. Am I wrong? Or is it that we simply have too many trust issues to work out?