Confused by older woman
So I met a girl at work three month ago she's 40 I'm 30' we just clicked. We had been seeing each other ever since and she seemed crazy about me. She would call me when I didn't text back because she was worried about me and even ask me if I would be interested in moving in. Then a week later she breaks it off stateing she wants me to meet a girl my own age and have kids and she can't give me that. Then continues to text me everyday telling me things like she misses me, her parents are upset because she had a good one, she can't watch a certain tv show because it reminds her of me, she's sad, she wishes she could give me a hug, her weekend has sucked without me ect. I'm so confused!!! How do you end it so quickly after seeming so in to someone. I'm so confused 😞
She's scared of getting hurt, so when things get too good, she has an anxiety attack and backs off. She just finds reason to justify it. This is why she is still single. I doubt you could ever change this. You are best to back off yourself and move on. She is emotionally unreliable.