How exactly does drunk behavior compare to sober behavior?
OK I met this girl at a party, shes really cool and we have very similar personalities and interests. Well early on the night, before the little booze she had drinken had time to take effect I believe, she gave me her number and insisted that I call her the next day right when she got off of work, and that we should go to the movies sometime, but she still continued to hang around me wanting my attention. Well after a few hours I had to go because I had a date the next afternoon, and I had only had one Screwdriver and by that time I was completly sober. Well I went outside to leave but there was a car blocking mine, so I went inside to find out who's it was, well it was the same girl. So we walk out arm in arm, I say she should let me move it, so she says ok but gets in the passenger seat. Well she immediatly cuddles up with me and starts running her hands through my hair and kissing my cheeks and neck. She also tells me that she would make out with me if she didnt think it would offend me, lol.
I know booze lowers you inhibitions but since she was insisting that I call her so we can go out before she was even buzzed, and that she focused mostly on me the whole night, could it be a good indicator of sober interest?