I want to kiss my friend in the cinema next friday
We are long date friends, but i have physical atraction for her since she gets teenager. i never said nothing about my intentions for her because i've always been a little shy chick. i dont even know if she feels the same about me, but our parents are really close and next friday they will go dinner at the mall while me and her will go to the cinema ALONE, jus me and her and i NEED to change some things. i never had an oportunity like this and i think it have all to go well. i will try to do more physical and eye contact, i know its dificult to show a girl your interests in just 1 night, and i know that i will probably do nothing when friday come. i dont need to make out with her, just a little kiss will change the things between us and thats what i want. please wish me luck with that.. (and sorry for my bad english, im from latin america)