Hot and cold texting
So if a guy texts, starts the conversation and when you respond (not elaborating in the text, just a simple answer) he reads it and then leaves the conversation hanging. Why do some guys do this (OR girls)? And then after sometime texts with a lot of flirting, and talks as if its normal. It seems he is so confused into what he wants (he has been really busy this past month). A guy has been texting me back and forth couple months now, and now I am just getting irritated. Why start a conversation if you want to leave it hanging? Is it just to see if I am still around or something to satisfy him?
When he leaves you hanging call him instead of waiting for another text.
You said that you reply with just a simple answer - this would be why the conversation ends!
In regular and text conversations, we need to talk in an open ended way to keep the conversation flowing. A simple answer is a conversation stopper.
Ya I think I kept it short because every time I talked long he just reads and takes a long time to respond. So I was putting less effort. I did talk to him today longer and he was talking but then suddenly he cut the conversation short without a proper ending. I think I am just going to let it be and keep quiet til he knows what he wants to do maybe? I don't want to get hurt by him :(...even though it may not be intentional.
How about quitting with the confusing and time wasting texting and have your conversations in person - or on the phone?
Ya that last time I called at like morn early his time by accident he said lets talk another time...so now I am not wanting to deal with it....maybe let it go for some time as I have an important exam coming up. If he wants to talk guess he will. I am normally a person who talk on phone/person and hate texting. He knows that too.
What do you mean by "his time"? Is this a long distance thing? If so, what's in it for you?
Nothing at the moment as I have more important things now to focus on :). He does like me but isn't doing more about it-so he needs to talk more serious if he wants anything serious (if was kinda casual I guess to start with but I mentioned a couple times now that I want more). I have given him more than enough time and shown via my actions. So backing off a couple weeks as I have an exam coming and will see how he is after I suppose.
Doomed internet/LDR? I agree with everyone who says you need to speak in person or at least by phone to figure out where you stand. Texting is for fun, or to superficially stay in touch but not to deepen relationships.