Hi there everyone.
I am a male, and I have been in an 8 Month relationship now with my girlfriend.
Now here is the dilemma that I am faced with..
What do you do when you love someone so much, but you just know inside that they are not a long-term viable partner for you? (because of lack of goals, etc).
I say that because I love my girlfriend so much, she is amazing, we are so close together, and have so much fun.. But she has little to no motivation career-wise. She doesn't seem to care much about anything relating to that.. She is the "Live life day to day" type that doesn't plan ahead, or care enough to.. And she is more than content with working like a minimum wage restaurant job her entire life. Me, I am a student, what I want in a partner is someone that has goals, and the drive to be all that they can.
Because I do not see any sort of drive in her I have been overcome with this feeling that she is not a type of person for me long-term.. And now because I know that and I haven't broken up with her as result.. I feel like I am dragging this relationship on.. And I feel horrible for it.
Also, I have talked this over with her time and time again about goals, and nothing will change.
What do you do when you love someone, are so close to them, and care about them so much, but they just lack certain qualities you need to see like motivation? I feel like if she was motivated to do stuff that we would be absolutely perfect for each other.. But sadly, that isn't the case. It is obviously a really difficult scenario for me.
Am I a moronic asshole that has to get some balls and tell her straight up that we aren't for each other? Or do we have hope?
Thoughts on this?