she said that when we went on the roadtrip she wasn't ready at that point and she felt the peer pressure from her friends to do me when she wasn't ready yet. and now she feels that shes just starting to get comfortable with me and i'm gonna have to wait a while more. i told her i dont understand how after 7 months she isn't comfortable with me yet and she told me that she just cant put it into words. she said she already knew that i was bothered by this and was waiting for me to bring it up and that another reason is hasn't happened yet is because we're never alone (which doesn't make sense anymore, i have my own place now..) and that she wants my first time to be special because her first time was a quicky in a car.
Sorriest bunch of excuses I have ever heard in my life. The last bit specifically is a bit disturbing also. She loves you so much she is willing to have sex with other men quickly in a car but you are to special for that, you get to wait forever. Man, **** this bitch...and I don't mean literally because she obviously won't let you.