
Type: Posts; User: cmacattack1

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  1. Replies

    I'm just wondering where you thought things would...

    I'm just wondering where you thought things would change? You were putting in more work from day one, you felt like it wasn't enough at the end of the first year, and yet you made it to almost two...
  2. Replies

    Yeah, he is getting what he wants and he is...

    Yeah, he is getting what he wants and he is initiating all of it. Funny how he doesn't mention it because he is getting everything he needs. Sure, you are going to read into "he holds me tightly...
  3. Yup, no contact is not just a tactic to win her...

    Yup, no contact is not just a tactic to win her over. You can't just say "I'll do it for one month and start up again". I mean you can but you are missing the whole point of it. No contact is for...
  4. Replies

    You are in the rearview mirror buddy. It sounds...

    You are in the rearview mirror buddy. It sounds great to be friends with our exes after but rarely does it ever work out like that. It's been 14 years, and she's been married. Why would she write a...
  5. Replies

    The problem with writing a letter is that you...

    The problem with writing a letter is that you can't take back what is written down. Also when she reads it, she may interpret it her own way anyway which maybe confusing as well. I think the best...
  6. Being on and off for the last 2 years should have...

    Being on and off for the last 2 years should have been a sign that the two people you were in that relationship could not have any long term staying power. And now that she wants to end it is when...
  7. Replies

    Maybe it took you by surprise, but I don't think...

    Maybe it took you by surprise, but I don't think she just woke up one day and wanted to end things with you. She was thinking about this for a while and she wasn't honest about it until recently,...
  8. Replies

    There will always be instances where it can work...

    There will always be instances where it can work and can happen. Every relationship is unique in itself because it's with a different person, different time in your and her life, and a different...
  9. Replies

    Never a dull moment in your life is there? ...

    Never a dull moment in your life is there?

    Yeah, it sounds like you guys did move really fast. I don't know if she was the one that gave you the suggestion of moving in and then backed out on it...
  10. Replies

    For most people to change, I really feel like it...

    For most people to change, I really feel like it takes learning the hard way to really understand what went wrong. Some people, bless their hearts, are very self aware enough or spend enough time...
  11. Replies

    Good man, my problem with those kinds of letters...

    Good man, my problem with those kinds of letters and emails is that sometimes I wish I said it just a little differently. And it bugs you and you feel the need to clarify it. But they are going to...
  12. Replies

    Maybe I could shed some light on this from my...

    Maybe I could shed some light on this from my perspective, being an emotionally unresponsive boyfriend in the past? I honestly only read the first page and skipped to the end here so I'm sorry if I...
  13. Replies

    No contact is not a thing you use for a week....

    No contact is not a thing you use for a week. It's something you have to institute for a long time for yourself. What book were you reading (or messages you were receiving?) because the one I read...
  14. Replies

    It's tough to really make a call on this if you...

    It's tough to really make a call on this if you aren't completely open and honest about the issues you have. I, for one, was a pretty heavy drinker myself, but treatment could be for all sorts of...
  15. Why are we still talking about her then?

    Why are we still talking about her then?
  16. Replies

    Friends always sound good but they never work...

    Friends always sound good but they never work out. Too many feelings and hurt involved. She can't even talk about the relationship again without changing the subject. God forbid she be faced with her...
  17. Maybe you both had real love before, but it's...

    Maybe you both had real love before, but it's pretty simple you both don't now. Emphasis on the BOTH part because you are both a part of this, regardless of how strong your feelings are.

    First of...
  18. Quite the performance. Normally I wouldn't...

    Quite the performance.

    Normally I wouldn't condone such insane obsession and behavior, but silver lining, you may have very well saved the paralegal's life before it got too messy. For that, I...
  19. I see that you've tried the "being friends" thing...

    I see that you've tried the "being friends" thing and while it all sounds great and dandy, it's pretty much impossible. When you have feelings there, and you are settling for something that's less...
  20. Thread: lonely

    by cmacattack1

    Being a person who has been single for a year,...

    Being a person who has been single for a year, with no more than a couple dates sporadically throughout, I can certainly understand where you are coming from. It's not easy to stay focused and...
  21. Some people get caught up in the cycle of...

    Some people get caught up in the cycle of breaking up and getting back together and actually believe it's how relationships are. You are caught in it right now, it sounds like he is too and I think a...
  22. Replies

    It sounds like your effort to eat better and work...

    It sounds like your effort to eat better and work out are strictly self motivated. Good for you, not many people have the initiative or willpower to do this on their own. However, if you are able to...
  23. You may be the victim of a guy that has some...

    You may be the victim of a guy that has some serious issues that he needs to resolve on his own, but you aren't a victim of this relationship. You staying in this is entirely on your shoulders. Run...
  24. Poll: Yeah, you can't talk your way out of this, and...

    Yeah, you can't talk your way out of this, and more likely than not, with his emotions running wild, he isn't going to understand anyway. But you aren't happy, right? That's reason enough. His...
  25. Poll: First of all, I just want to point out that he...

    First of all, I just want to point out that he does not make you do anything. I guess maybe you feel this way because he's been abusive, both emotionally and physically, but he does not make you do...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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