
Type: Posts; User: surfhb

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  1. Replies

    Oh brother! Spare us the sob story sister! ...

    Oh brother! Spare us the sob story sister!

    You've only been dating since April.

    Print this thread out and put it in a safe place....when you're older and mature you'll surely have a good...
  2. Replies

    I agree FB is nothing more than a data mining...

    I agree

    FB is nothing more than a data mining company. I mean, I get the attraction but take a hard look at the hours you spend on there.

    I'm pretty sure there is much better ways to spend...
  3. Simple move on Tell him he needs...

    Simple move on

    Tell him he needs to get his shit sorted out before there can be any relationship. It's hard I know but it has to happen
  4. Thread: Girl Bestfriend

    by surfhb

    If you like the girl why didn't you date her?

    If you like the girl why didn't you date her?
  5. Replies

    Or you can just be a mature adult and not care?

    Or you can just be a mature adult and not care?
  6. Thread: advice pls!!!

    by surfhb

    Yeah.....sounds like a load of BS which basically...

    Yeah.....sounds like a load of BS which basically means she's probably an immature pain in the ass

    I'd let go unless she breaking down the door to get in your pants 👿
  7. Let it go then. Shit happens....doesn't make you...

    Let it go then. Shit happens....doesn't make you a bad guy

    You don't owe her a thing
  8. Replies

    Well that's life bro. We can't always have what...

    Well that's life bro. We can't always have what we want :)
  9. Replies

    Then keep talking to her. It's your life If...

    Then keep talking to her. It's your life

    If you feel ok talking to a girl who lives with another guy be my guest. :)

    If not then back off.....she'll understand. Regardless, who cares what...
  10. Replies

    You weren't friends at all. Friends are people...

    You weren't friends at all. Friends are people you hang out with, tell your stories of problems and happiness too. People who are deeply rooted in your life.

    You were just colleagues who...
  11. Replies

    Just be honest with her the next time she ask why...

    Just be honest with her the next time she ask why you're so quiet

    It's so annoying that girls don't understand that guys contact you when were interested. Then wonder why we back off when were...
  12. Replies

    It's sad that you would be so closed minded in...

    It's sad that you would be so closed minded in finding a mate.

    Us folks who eat meat and wear shoes aren't so bad....really we're not ! ;)
  13. She made herself clear.....she just wants to date...

    She made herself clear.....she just wants to date and get to know you.

    Take it slow, date other people too. Who knows what will happen? It just might end up well :)
  14. I think the term "open relationship" is being...

    I think the term "open relationship" is being used wrong here.

    She simply doesn't want to be in a relationship right now because that's all she's ever known. She wants to's as...
  15. Replies

    Dude.....stop being such a drama queen over a...

    Dude.....stop being such a drama queen over a shaved pussy....jeez!
  16. She already said she is fine. She's not your gf...

    She already said she is fine. She's not your gf so I suggest you back off
  17. He already made it clear that he doesn't see you...

    He already made it clear that he doesn't see you as a potential partner.

    If you still have doubts, call him and ask specifically.
  18. Just say nicely with a smile: " hey do you...

    Just say nicely with a smile:

    " hey do you mind not telling me those things? It's rather a turn off for me and I feel it's really unnecessary because you're my girl and I think you're the...
  19. First of all I'm rather concerned that you were...

    First of all I'm rather concerned that you were so emotionally involved with a person you've never met. It was good that you flew to meet her but what did you possibly believe would come of this? ...
  20. How long have you been dating? You may not...

    How long have you been dating?

    You may not want to hear this but the reason we date is to find a person who fits our lives. It's possible all the drama and stress doesn't agree with him.
  21. Replies

    You want a guys opinion? He likes to bang you....

    You want a guys opinion?

    He likes to bang you. That's it.

    How old are you? You're a grown woman......Don't you know guys will say or do anything to get laid ? I mean c'mon you must...
  22. Thread: Is he abusive?

    by surfhb

    Whoa sweetheart! You need to to seriously put...

    Whoa sweetheart! You need to to seriously put on the brakes here and see a therapist at your school quickly.

    You are not in a happy relationship and you're blind to this because of your self...
  23. You need to set boundaries and you don't keep her...

    You need to set boundaries and you don't keep her to those boundaries's as simple as that

    Hey kids?! Don't fvcking move in with someone unless you plan to marry them!
  24. 22?! Lol. Isn't this type of behavior...

    22?! Lol. Isn't this type of behavior expected at this age? Your selfishness is mind boggling

    Are actually wanting to continue this relationship ?
  25. Replies

    Oh Jesus H Christ! You've known this girl 2...

    Oh Jesus H Christ! You've known this girl 2 weeks and you had sex.....big deal. Just call her on the phone and end it. You owe this girl nothing. To top it off, how do you know she will be...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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