
Type: Posts; User: richiro

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  1. Replies

    its really simple people.. "don't force a square...

    its really simple people.. "don't force a square peg in a round hole" - you can't FORCE a relationship to work. it either does or does not. its obvious this one is not. especially when it's a...
  2. Replies

    you get over it by deciding its time to and doing...

    you get over it by deciding its time to and doing it. taht's all there is to it. (not sayin git's easy or immediate... but literally that's all it comes down to and then letting it happen).
  3. Replies

    yeah you over-reacted. its not as if he's had a...

    yeah you over-reacted. its not as if he's had a pattern of doing this. And his explanation seems reasonable to me (family comes over, and family is guilting you into spending time with family -...
  4. you woudnl't be a true friend if you kept your...

    you woudnl't be a true friend if you kept your mouth shut. Let's put it that way. Unfortunately there are tons of red flags and this will only be a disaster if she insists on this - but it's very...
  5. i would let her go. i mean listen to this story...

    i would let her go. i mean listen to this story and the facts:
    she told somebody, to call you.. to tell you that she loved you... and that you sould call her... then demands that you apologize...
  6. Replies

    here is the danger of this situation. Your...

    here is the danger of this situation. Your feelings are what they are and they aren't going to go away I dont' believe (can you MOVE PAST this and quell your feelings)? If you can - do it NOW. Yes...
  7. Replies

    why dont' you dive into them and search for them...

    why dont' you dive into them and search for them before you post your own? any feedback on those will be the same feedback you will get.
  8. does it matter why he's doing this? it could be a...

    does it matter why he's doing this? it could be a million things.
    just don't get involved with a married person - period. you'll lose out and get hurt in the end.
  9. yeah.. don't do onto others what you hate when...

    yeah.. don't do onto others what you hate when they do onto you.
    Tell Amie you're glad she's doing well, that you two are good and don't hate each other. but that you are with somebody you really...
  10. Replies

    does she ask you questions about you? or are you...

    does she ask you questions about you? or are you doing all the asking and she's just responding?
    does she initiate conversations with you? or are you the one always having to start the...
  11. pretend your starting over and have a fresh...

    pretend your starting over and have a fresh start. and start it right from the start this time.
    be comfy.
    be confident.
    be yoursef.
    be honest.

    talk to her.. because you fancy her.
    get to...
  12. Replies

    find a middle ground. be honest with your wife...

    find a middle ground. be honest with your wife that you'l do anything for your wife but the most you can do is a few days and then you need some space.
    you did marry into the family so you did know...
  13. Replies

    well.. if she had mentioned this prior to getting...

    well.. if she had mentioned this prior to getting married all along and you agreed - you either have to agree or get divorced
    if she made no mention of this until after you got married.. then you...
  14. Replies

    Yes you're being a creep. because i'm sure there...

    Yes you're being a creep. because i'm sure there is a hint of "i still want you" in your interactions with her (because you ask the qeustions and wonder if she wants you... case closed).
    So let's...
  15. Replies

    you're being played. let her go. all there is to...

    you're being played. let her go.
    all there is to it.

  16. there is atual "sexual harassment" and there is...

    there is atual "sexual harassment" and there is "legal sexual harassment".

    this is absolutely harassment, of a sexual nature for sure. has all the tell tale signs of it.
    but if you're saying you...
  17. no it won't. he wants "mom"... not "a mom". it...

    no it won't. he wants "mom"... not "a mom".
    it takes time. everybody grieves differently. let him grieve.

    what will help is to love him and let him know he's not alone, its okay to miss mom,...
  18. Okay realization 1 is this: this is really not...

    Okay realization 1 is this: this is really not about what you want. Its realy not about what you're ready to do or not. This is about what THE BOTH OF YOU WANT. Underseatnd that first and...
  19. Replies

    sorry but girls are NOT the best source on how to...

    sorry but girls are NOT the best source on how to be with girls... why?
    girls have this tendency to think/believe 1 thing, then act a different way. ("i want a good friend first" or "i just want...
  20. yeah.. stop loving her. it's too dangerous and...

    yeah.. stop loving her. it's too dangerous and probably illegal in areas.
    definitly don't tell her.
  21. Vegans know that everybody is not a vegan - and...

    Vegans know that everybody is not a vegan - and it also depends on how and why and how strongly they feel about their veganism and why they became vegan to begin with.
    If diet is a dealbreaker with...
  22. Replies

    Anytime somebody is initiating with you - that's...

    Anytime somebody is initiating with you - that's a sign of interest. That she is consistently initiating the fact of sitting near or next to you IS a sign of interest!!

    Since she is initiating...
  23. Replies

    if they never respond or initiate - they aren't...

    if they never respond or initiate - they aren't interested.
    do'nt judge peopel by what they say.. judge then by what they DO.

    The can act or talk like they're interested but their actions always...
  24. Replies

    yes it IS an infatuation and NOT love - why? ...

    yes it IS an infatuation and NOT love - why? because it's only 1-sided. Love is not 1-sided.
    think of somebody you woudl never be with and have zero interest in getting with. Now.. if they want...
  25. see.. lik i said.. if you keep pushing it... no...

    see.. lik i said.. if you keep pushing it... no good... yu'll be pushing her away.
    be cool.. be enjoyable. fill yoru times with positive memories NOT negative ones.

    give her some space to forget...
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