
Type: Posts; User: michelle23

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  1. Replies

    If your going to message her, do so with...

    If your going to message her, do so with confidence and get to the point quickly. "Havn't seen you around in awhile, hows life? Fancy a drink?" Or if your really brave, be a bit cheeky and say...
  2. Replies

    Does he not have male friends? I just find it...

    Does he not have male friends? I just find it weird when a guy is surrounded by all these females. Words are cheap and easy to say. Actions speak louder
  3. You have only been married four years and these...

    You have only been married four years and these issues have been there throughout your whole relationship. This is who he is and you are not happy. Why are you settling? A relationship full of doubts...
  4. Replies

    I read half of it and didn't get to the point...

    I read half of it and didn't get to the point where the girl is apparantly insane. I see an untrustworthy player who has given her a load of red flags and if shes smart she will dump you. Your so far...
  5. Replies

    You have never met face to face? Then its not a...

    You have never met face to face? Then its not a relationship. Why are you wasting your time?
  6. Replies

    This would be a deal breaker for me and I would...

    This would be a deal breaker for me and I would end it. Nothing good can come out of their "friendship". I have seen this before and its 99% likely that he does have feelings for her and would dump...
  7. It is a really difficult situation. I get that....

    It is a really difficult situation. I get that. Why not suggest marriage counselling and have that third person there to clarify your feelings if your afraid she will take it the wrong way or it will...
  8. Replies

    I remember feeling this way about my first bf...

    I remember feeling this way about my first bf before we got together and honestly it was awful being with him. It turned out I had no romantic or sexual feelings for him.. i just got confused coz we...
  9. Replies

    In one way you say you want him to make an effort...

    In one way you say you want him to make an effort socially but then you are afraid what people will think if he does.. a lot of people are shy or anxious socially but he will manage and survive if...
  10. I think you should try everything to overcome...

    I think you should try everything to overcome this issue together and do whatever is necessary to fix your sex life-doctor, counselor, sex therapist, even hypnotherapy.. marriage is about working...
  11. Replies

    He kicks you out of his room after? How charming....

    He kicks you out of his room after? How charming. You need to stop this or your going to get hurt
  12. Replies

    Your playing yourself by deluding yourself into...

    Your playing yourself by deluding yourself into believing he will want more.. it would have been more from the start if it was ever going to happen. Why are you settling for this when you obviously...
  13. Thread: Confused

    by michelle23

    You are being selfish expecting him to bury his...

    You are being selfish expecting him to bury his feelings and act like hes okay just being friends when he obviously isn't.. the right thing to do would be to cut all contact so he can get over you...
  14. Replies

    An on/off relationship should not last 4years.....

    An on/off relationship should not last 4years.. its a sign your not good together if you keep breaking up and then you both couldn't even keep it together after the child which shows a lack of...
  15. Replies

    Did you say they hang out alone together? And you...

    Did you say they hang out alone together? And you were okay with that? Seriously? That makes me wonder has something already happened? She sounds like an attention whore/flirt and has obviously...
  16. Replies

    It could just be boredom/curiousity. Ive looked...

    It could just be boredom/curiousity. Ive looked up loads of peoples star signs and birth charts. It didn't mean anything
  17. Replies

    No this is not normal. She likes the attention...

    No this is not normal. She likes the attention and is encouraging it.. its not okay in a monogamous relationship. I would ditch her if i were you. If she doesnt have the common sense or emotional...
  18. Ya you have zero emotional intelligence.. you...

    Ya you have zero emotional intelligence.. you will prob have a lot of people reacting to your lack of empathy in this way in your lifetime. Maybe one day you will realize you are partly to blame
  19. Her reaction is normal. A lot of people react...

    Her reaction is normal. A lot of people react this way when they are rejected. They want to understand why and they cling to false hope. Its part of the grief process "the five stages of grief"
  20. Replies

    I don't know anyone in a committed, happy...

    I don't know anyone in a committed, happy relationship who keep exes around or close friends of the opposite sex. I know couples who do and there relationships are full of drama, trust issues and BS...
  21. Thread: Older man

    by michelle23

    He used you as a way out of an unhappy...

    He used you as a way out of an unhappy relationship. Its what cowards do. They need something to leave for even if it is only meaningless, temporary sex. He doesn-t see you as the wife type coz your...
  22. Replies

    You are friend zoning yourself by being too nice...

    You are friend zoning yourself by being too nice and acting more like a gay best friend then a boyfriend (no disrespect). I am not saying you should change but you should at least expect some...
  23. If the age gap was a problem then and prevented...

    If the age gap was a problem then and prevented you from treating her like a girlfriend then why would now be any different? Are you ready to go at her pace? If not, then why do you want her back?.
  24. Replies

    If you broke up then why are you still contacting...

    If you broke up then why are you still contacting him? Let it go and move on. You are only hurting yourself by keeping up contact. Stay away from guys who just got out of a relationship in future and...
  25. It sounds to me like hes just using you for sex...

    It sounds to me like hes just using you for sex and there probably is someone else. Your ignored most the week unless ye are talking about sex, the only attention you get is at the weekend when sex...
Results 1 to 25 of 497
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