
Type: Posts; User: PDN777

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  1. A New Understanding of Intimate Relating -- Part III of III

    Part III of III


    If a person is not totally filled up with self love, and has a terrific encounter with a lover, there may be a psychological and energetic clinging that develops,...
  2. A New Understanding of Intimate Relating -- Part II of III

    --Part II of II

    Modern Changes Which Have Allowed the New to Happen

    One of the many factors underlying all of this change is the woman's growing autonomy. In many cultures, never before has a...
  3. Replies

    Introducing myself...

    Hello,! My name is Prahas David Nafissian, and I am a life coach.

    If you want to be a life coach, you ought to know something about life. I graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wesleyan...
  4. Replies

    My sense is you need to clean this up. Yes, you...

    My sense is you need to clean this up. Yes, you violated his trust by going through his phone without his permission. I would say you need to tell him you did so, and apologize. Once you do so,...
  5. Be natural. Let your energy flow. When the...

    Be natural. Let your energy flow. When the impulse comes up to get close, allow it to happen. And re: the phone number, simply ask. For more, have a look at my website: ...
  6. Replies

    There are several kinds of age: physical,...

    There are several kinds of age: physical, emotional, spiritual. You may be years apart in physical age, but be very close in the other types. If you feel the connection; if you feel intimacy; if...
  7. Replies

    Hi, What occurs to me is you need to ask...


    What occurs to me is you need to ask yourself what you want and what you need. Specifically, how many hours per day or week do you want to spend with a "significant other." Once you are...
  8. Replies

    Intimate Relating 2.0!

    Hi -- I've been thinking about relating in a new way. Any thoughts, folks?

    * Have you been engaging in spiritual practice (yoga, tai chi, meditation, etc), absorbing Truth-full concepts such as...
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