
Type: Posts; User: Jas_mine

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  1. Replies

    You what now?!

    You what now?!
  2. Replies

    You can't fall in love with somebody before...

    You can't fall in love with somebody before dating them - love at first sight is a huge scam! Love is a natural progression of feelings as you get to know that person. Let it happen naturally - stop...
  3. Get her drunk! Seriously though, if she has...

    Get her drunk!

    Seriously though, if she has deep-set issues about her appearance and what not nothing you say will change what she believes - ultimately it's not what you think about her, it's...
  4. Or maybe she has simply found somebody else. I...

    Or maybe she has simply found somebody else. I would leave it. If you happen to bump into her then keep it basic with a simple hello and then be on you way, don't hang around trying to keep the convo...
  5. Replies

    Try compliments - you can never fail with...

    Try compliments - you can never fail with compliments!
  6. Replies

    She lives three hours away from you - can you...

    She lives three hours away from you - can you honestly see it working? I mean, I have no idea how far you are willing to travel for a relationship but it is something you should really consider...
  7. Thread: What to do...

    by Jas_mine

    Long-distance relationships are difficult to...

    Long-distance relationships are difficult to maintain, especially when you are young and have a lot of temptation around.
  8. A twenty-eight year old female and a thirty-four...

    A twenty-eight year old female and a thirty-four year old dude wouldn't be an issue so it shouldn't matter reversed either really. And it's not like it's illegal! Either way it's more about how you...
  9. Thread: i wonder

    by Jas_mine

    No harm in trying it!

    No harm in trying it!
  10. Replies

    Like the first reply said, you possibly need to...

    Like the first reply said, you possibly need to reassure her. Being single for seven whole damn years when you are only twenty-five is a huge deal - she has obviously been burnt in the past and has...
  11. Replies

    She's rather touchy-feely with you which is a...

    She's rather touchy-feely with you which is a major sign of flirting but sometimes there are those that are just natural flirts, you know, they flirt without even realising it, pretty much like...
  12. Replies

    It appears as if she likes you as a friend. Maybe...

    It appears as if she likes you as a friend. Maybe it's the age thing, maybe because she just got out of a relationship, who knows. Either way, you are too intense for her and are therefore freaking...
  13. Replies

    Nope, he definitely wasn't referring to you as a...

    Nope, he definitely wasn't referring to you as a 'weirdo stalker' - he wouldn't have added you as a 'friend' if that were the case, nor would he be in touch constantly via text. However, the whole...
  14. I think you should prepare a backup for his...

    I think you should prepare a backup for his theatre ticket because he may well not be able to make it!

    Why is he so busy anyway? Is it work related? I mean I can understand if he's in the army but...
  15. Replies

    You need to stop pestering him, this is just...

    You need to stop pestering him, this is just going to push him away further, just let him be.

    I know it sucks but if he has said that you guys will never be together again then you should respect...
  16. The thing I find most worrying about your...

    The thing I find most worrying about your scenario is the lack of physicality, I mean, you've only been together for six months, where has the passion gone dammit?! Either way, you need to be...
  17. Replies

    You are already cheating on new bloke with ex...

    You are already cheating on new bloke with ex bloke. You can't honestly be really into him if you are still continuing some form of dalliance with your ex. Also, you say you have been conversing with...
  18. Poll: Apology accepted! It would help if your...

    Apology accepted!

    It would help if your options varied slightly! I don't think you can generalise though, yes stereotypes exist but they are just usually an old-fashioned conception. There are men...
  19. Maybe her friend was conveniently lying, who...

    Maybe her friend was conveniently lying, who knows.

    Try asking her out to a group event so that it's nothing too intense and doesn't look too contrived, you know, like a 'few of us are heading to...
  20. Replies

    Maybe he has a girl in every town. Am thinking...

    Maybe he has a girl in every town.

    Am thinking that if he had found Miss Right in you, well, he would definitely be more smitten, not just when happens to be in town. As for him being married with...
  21. Replies

    Can you trust a girl who has a boyfriend but is...

    Can you trust a girl who has a boyfriend but is openly suggestive to another guy? How can she be truly happy with her bloke but claim she can do better?! She sounds like a tease and smells like...
  22. Replies

    Dude you are still young! And I don't say that in...

    Dude you are still young! And I don't say that in a patronising fashion. I say stop comparing yourself to others, walk at your own pace. It will honestly happen when you least expect it - the harder...
  23. You have already waited too long, it's good that...

    You have already waited too long, it's good that you're putting yourself first now, it's tough but will get better with time, stay strong and don't falter.
  24. Thread: Life Sucks

    by Jas_mine

    Cheating is cheating, whether it actually means...

    Cheating is cheating, whether it actually means something or not. There are no excuses. Hopefully it is a lesson well learnt. Sorry, I don't mean to sound preachy but I am just big on faithfulness.
  25. Replies

    Very extreme. If my ex forwarded me a dvd release...

    Very extreme. If my ex forwarded me a dvd release date for one my favourite shows I would simply thank him for being thoughtful, I wouldn't think he was stalking me! Some people are just so...
Results 1 to 25 of 272
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