
Type: Posts; User: tin

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  1. Replies

    What to do with this girl ? Any chance left ? PART 1/2

    So I knew this girl for almost 4 years now via FB. Up until the end of March of this year, it had always been sporadic, friendly chats via messenger. Courteous, nice, complimentary without flirting....
  2. What to do with this lady ? Any chance left ? PART 2/2

    But my words -a few times she rightly claimed words are just words and not actions- seemed more and more to fall into deaf ears with her. And I DO understand. However, my HEART feels 100% sincere and...
  3. All Messed Up & Confused - Need This Girl But Messed Up

    So you really want this girl, because she is your dream girl. But you can’t physically get to her because you’re freakin' sick and she lives to far away. She’s been sick too, but far ahead in the...
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