
Type: Posts; User: lovelorn lassie

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  1. I'm actively looking for jobs, and would like to...

    I'm actively looking for jobs, and would like to have cognitive behavioural therapy if I can afford it. I am looking for flats in another town and have contacted some letting agencies about them but...
  2. I think calling it 'self compassion' is more...

    I think calling it 'self compassion' is more helpful really. But you're right, I think I have hit the self destruct button a but too much recently.
  3. I wasn't angry at all. I appreciated the post. I...

    I wasn't angry at all. I appreciated the post. I must have given you the wrong impression. Sorry. I would like to be more self confident, but I don't think I am worthy of self love. I'd like to move...
  4. I love dogs and animals in general more than...

    I love dogs and animals in general more than anything. I like deep conversation and hate talking about trivial things. And chocolate fudge cake. Walking in the country and falling asleep in someone's...
  5. I just want to be happy. I've done a lot of...

    I just want to be happy. I've done a lot of stupid things in the past and behaved in a naive way. The guy told me I was manipulative and because he said it it will always stay with me. But I can see...
  6. I don't know how to learn to love myself.

    I don't know how to learn to love myself.
  7. Thanks, I agree completely.

    Thanks, I agree completely.
  8. Replies

    Yeah, that's why I ended the contact, no one is...

    Yeah, that's why I ended the contact, no one is worth killing yourself over or even contemplating it. I do think I need to stop feeling so guiity about anything I did or said to him after that. I...
  9. Replies

    Yeah, my financial circumstances are not great,...

    Yeah, my financial circumstances are not great, and was very lucky to get the flat I'm in. I am hoping to move town soon but it depends on the whole financial question. I think I would be more...
  10. Replies

    Thanks, I won't kill myself over it. I know I'm...

    Thanks, I won't kill myself over it. I know I'm immature and there won't be any more relationships. I've had therapy and it never worked and would like CBT but I don't know if I would qualify with my...
  11. Replies

    I'm 42, I know not everyone is in a relationship....

    I'm 42, I know not everyone is in a relationship. Most are at my age though. Society definitely makes too much of it. I agree you can be more unhappy in a relationship. It just isn't worth it really.
  12. It's not about not being attracted to guys, but...

    It's not about not being attracted to guys, but you're right, if sex is a problem in any way you shouldn't engage in any kind of contact with men, which is one of the many good reasons for me to be...
  13. Should you date if you don't love yourself?

    I don't love myself and never have done. I just wondered if other people feel that way on here and whether they think even think about entering a relationship feeling that way about themselves?

  14. I friended a guy on fb who told me, after I...

    I friended a guy on fb who told me, after I suggested that was his motive, that he wanted to marry me for UK citizenship. He said he was in 'a bit of trouble' at home in Pakistan and the people there...
  15. Replies

    How to be single and happy

    Hi. I have decided that I don't want any more relationships in my life, for various reasons. How can I get out of the societal mindset that you 'need' to be in a relationship? What can I do instead...
  16. Replies

    Why did he kiss me back?

    I met a guy online last year and after a few months chatting I met up with him, he kissed me on the cheek the first two nights but nothing else, then on the last day of the holiday I kissed him on...
Results 1 to 16 of 16