
Type: Posts; User: montanamommy

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  1. Replies

    Um, it's an advice forum, dummy...people post...

    Um, it's an advice forum, dummy...people post personal stuff here all the time. What crawled up your butt anyway?? Fish it out and be nice, jeez.
  2. Replies

    Figure out how to read a pregnancy test?...

    Figure out how to read a pregnancy test? Seriously? When did you people become so mean on here? My MRI isn't til Monday; there's still plenty of time to figure it out. I was just asking about the...
  3. Replies

    They're not $10, moron. Try $27, I just checked...

    They're not $10, moron. Try $27, I just checked yesterday. Besides, I bought TWO tests. Jeez, you people are seriously some of the rudest people out there. Get a grip!
  4. Yes, well we obviously worked things out. And...

    Yes, well we obviously worked things out. And yes, he knows that it's a possibility.
  5. Replies

    Ew, rude... The digital tests are expensive,...

    Ew, rude...

    The digital tests are expensive, people. And the MRI wasn't scheduled until yesterday, so I didn't have a choice about the "last minute" thing. Sheesh, RUDE...
  6. Replies

    Can You See A Second Line?

    Hey everybody. I have to get an MRI soon, and my doctor advised me to get a pregnancy test beforehand, since the radiation from the MRI can cause birth defects, etc. It's still 7 days before my...
  7. Getting MRI, need opinions on pregnancy line?

    Hey everybody. I have to get an MRI soon, and my doctor advised me to get a pregnancy test beforehand, since the radiation from the MRI can cause birth defects, etc. It's still 7 days before my...
  8. I've seen it, but I seriously don't get it...

    I've seen it, but I seriously don't get it still...why would he have previously wanted to have sex with me so often, and then's nearly never?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yes, sometimes I think...
  9. First of all, you're young and you made a...

    First of all, you're young and you made a young-stupid mistake...don't beat yourself up over it. We've ALL made those mistakes in our 20's. All you can do is learn from it and never make that kind of...
  10. "Playing the field" is never okay. Guys don't...

    "Playing the field" is never okay. Guys don't realize how many women they hurt while they're "playing the field". Women have very delicate egos and emotions, and when we have sex with a guy, date...
  11. Replies

    She sounds pretty adamant that she's over the...

    She sounds pretty adamant that she's over the relationship, dude. Leave her alone, please...I'm quite certain, judging by her comments to you, that she wants absolutely nothing to do with you or a...
  12. Seeing as how he has cheated in the past, I would...

    Seeing as how he has cheated in the past, I would be super suspicious. If he was raw-dogging it (masturbating without lube), then he really could have rubbed it raw. However, most any hotel offers...
  13. Boyfriend Would Rather Masturbate Than Have Sex

    This is incredibly awkward to talk about, but I need guys' advice. Or ANYONE'S advice...

    My boyfriend and I have known each other for over 20 years, been friends for lots of years, and finally...
  14. Boyfriend Would Rather Jerk Off Than Have Sex With Me...

    This is incredibly awkward to talk about, but I need guys' advice. Or ANYONE'S advice...

    My boyfriend and I have known each other for over 20 years, been friends for lots of years, and finally...
  15. Boyfriend Would Rather Jerk Off Than Have Sex....

    This is incredibly awkward to talk about, but I need guys' advice. Or ANYONE'S advice...

    My boyfriend and I have known each other for over 20 years, been friends for lots of years, and finally...
  16. Thank you. And no, she doesn't like living with...

    Thank you. And no, she doesn't like living with her dad. He had witnesses lie about me on the stand in order to make me lose primary custody. Our permanent parenting plan hearing is in January, and I...
  17. Replies

    What the hell? She's posting pics of a party...

    What the hell? She's posting pics of a party where her friend got raped? What a weirdo. She's giving you the cold shoulder one minute and then giving you attention another, too. She seems like a...
  18. It was indeed something critical which I don't...

    It was indeed something critical which I don't care to broadcast here.
  19. Replies

    Poll: I am not physically attracted to "fat" men, but...

    I am not physically attracted to "fat" men, but if they had a great personality and made me laugh, I'd DEFINITELY date him. To me, it's all about personality, no matter what he looks like, if he's...
  20. Replies

    I've had guys do this to me, and it pisses me off...

    I've had guys do this to me, and it pisses me off ROYALLY. How disrespectful!! What the hell, just because I decided to LET you have sex with me, you think you can just go in with no protection? NO....
  21. Replies

    Selfish lovers SUCK, and I've had plenty of them....

    Selfish lovers SUCK, and I've had plenty of them. Men seriously don't realize how much emotion us women put into sex, and how much it means to us, etc. They also don't realize that--especially with...
  22. Oooook, honey, you need to gain some...

    Oooook, honey, you need to gain some understanding about women haha. Nowadays, it's "unattractive" to have a full-on bushy, mangled forest "down there" on a woman. Not only that, but we ladies do not...
  23. Seriously, What Goes Through A Man's Head When......

    Alrighty, let me start out by saying that I truly love my boyfriend. I've known him for over 20 years, and we've "officially" been together for about 7 months now, even though our contact previous to...
  24. Replies

    Honestly, I think she's being smart about it. She...

    Honestly, I think she's being smart about it. She obviously still has feelings for you, but she's not a fool with her heart, either; she wants to be sure that what ever decision she makes regarding...
  25. Omg, she sounds extremely immature. I have female...

    Omg, she sounds extremely immature. I have female friends who do this to their boyfriends in an attempt to make them jealous, or to remind them, "Look at all these guys chasing me. You should feel...
Results 1 to 25 of 37
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