
Type: Posts; User: Mr. Turtle

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  1. Thread: In a pickle

    by Mr. Turtle

    She wouldn't do that to me. We are friends enough...

    She wouldn't do that to me. We are friends enough that I can surefire say it isn't the case. However, I may be close enough that she doesn't feel like she is being too promiscuous. That's where I am...
  2. Thread: In a pickle

    by Mr. Turtle

    This happened to me 9 years ago to the day...

    This happened to me 9 years ago to the day almost. I think I will likely not be making the same mistake. And if it blows up in my face, I only have 8 weeks until I get a reset button! SWEET!
  3. Replies

    Just tell the guy you like exactly what you've...

    Just tell the guy you like exactly what you've said here. Problem solved. No more competition. "He's funny, but you are who I'm after." TA-DA!
  4. Replies

    Pain is temporary. Could last a minute, could...

    Pain is temporary. Could last a minute, could last a year. What is more valuable to you, a year of pain or a lifetime of friendship. He wants to be your friend. That is powerful enough. And maybe...
  5. Thread: In a pickle

    by Mr. Turtle

    Time...well I deploy in 8 weeks. So time is not...

    Time...well I deploy in 8 weeks. So time is not on our side and I think that may be partly why she hasn't pulled the trigger. But then again, I am saying the same thing in my head.
  6. Thread: In a pickle

    by Mr. Turtle

    I think so too. She even inquires about booty...

    I think so too. She even inquires about booty calls and asks how they work, blah blah blah. But I think its a ploy to figure me out since she knows I have a lot of women who chase me and I am very...
  7. Thread: In a pickle

    by Mr. Turtle

    In a pickle

    Hey all. I'll try to make this brief, but a lot has happened, which is why I am asking.

    So I met this girl at a coffee shop (her the barista, me the customer) and I instantly fell for her. We...
  8. You are pretty much out of the game. You could...

    You are pretty much out of the game. You could retire or make yourself a fool by continuing to play. However you do still have one chance in my opinion. I know I have done this selfishly to women....
  9. I know the story. I get it. Here is the reality....

    I know the story. I get it. Here is the reality. Being a good person is the hardest and longest approach to life. But if you embrace the concept of quality over quantity, your life will be for the...
  10. Truth. I stand corrected. I was very biased in...

    Truth. I stand corrected. I was very biased in that. Not my intent.
  11. For starters, you'll have to be more descriptive...

    For starters, you'll have to be more descriptive in what you are actually talking about and what you are trying to figure out.
  12. Why even bother with it. Women really need to...

    Why even bother with it. Women really need to stop this habit. Its like reading a book until its end, putting it on the shelf, THEN reading the preface. Unnecessary.
  13. Replies

    He's done. Stop holding his stuff hostage and...

    He's done. Stop holding his stuff hostage and keeping it as a reason for him to come back. Drop it off at his sisters and be done. Give him that. Do not torture him with this. I personally have...
  14. NAS= No Strings Attached To answer your...

    NAS= No Strings Attached

    To answer your question, in my opinion, I would go back to being a friend and not engaging in anything intimate. When is her birthday, by the way? If she is a Scorpio, YOU...
  15. I should have read the whole thread. But sorry....

    I should have read the whole thread. But sorry. Keep it moving. His loss, not yours.
  16. Replies

    I SECOND THAT. Remove all elements of her. The...

    I SECOND THAT. Remove all elements of her. The fastest way over a woman is to get under a new one. Seriously, that's not me trying to be a jerk. You gotta learn from it and move on at the same time....
  17. Not for nothing, I am usually very supportive if...

    Not for nothing, I am usually very supportive if the situation has hope. However, in this particular age bracket, when you back off, BACK OFF. Sit next to her in class, but eliminate your NSA deal....
  18. You are the rebound-ish woman. Don't take that...

    You are the rebound-ish woman. Don't take that for how it sounds. I have been in this guys situation similarly. The three jobs thing is because he doesn't have a reason to get in the bed anymore. He...
  19. Every relationship before I meet The One will...

    Every relationship before I meet The One will fail.
    The first girl is always going to leave, unless you are Cory Matthews, but even Topanga left for a bit.
  20. Replies

    It doesn't get anymore blatant (with politeness...

    It doesn't get anymore blatant (with politeness and respect) than this. He seems like a straight shooter too. Text-book flirting. I would say ask him to grab a coffee or a protein shake (to keep it...
  21. Replies

    Funny how this would have worked out had the...

    Funny how this would have worked out had the roles been reversed. Give him space and just tell him how you really feel. Men thing logic, women think emotion. So if you put your emotion into logical...
  22. Replies

    PM me as well

    PM me as well
  23. Replies

    WELCOME TO OUR WORLD! This happened to me a few...

    WELCOME TO OUR WORLD! This happened to me a few weeks ago, although we were actually dating and everything was great until she left and then came back. STONE COLD. Didn't even tell me she was back in...
  24. Don't talk to her for a week. If she texts you...

    Don't talk to her for a week. If she texts you during the week, take at least an hour to text her back. If she texts you back immediately, then she has an interest in you. A girl who is interested...
  25. Replies

    The next time she says she will kill herself,...

    The next time she says she will kill herself, call the police. They will come and get her, then while she is gone, pack your stuff and leave a blank piece of paper, pen and a .45 caliber pistol on...
Results 1 to 25 of 110
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