
Type: Posts; User: Over40Love

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  1. It's about quality not quantity. There is more...

    It's about quality not quantity. There is more to a sex life than just how huge you are and how many orgasms are had. She should accept you for you.
  2. Replies

    This is a tough one. It also seems like you are...

    This is a tough one. It also seems like you are making every effort to move on, so well done! There are some things we never will understand and betrayal is one of them. Practically speaking, we...
  3. Its hard to move on if there are unresolved...

    Its hard to move on if there are unresolved issues, especially if you don't understand why he treated you like he did.
    I believe you are a very fortunate person. You have seen him for what he...
  4. Your penultimate paragraph has answered your own...

    Your penultimate paragraph has answered your own question. Work on yourself and do the no contact rule.
  5. Replies

    I would suggest that you take a break from each...

    I would suggest that you take a break from each other but not actually break up. Be away from each other totally for an agreed period of time and see how it goes. It just gives you both a chance to...
  6. Replies

    Hi, I'm Zoe Poole of Over40Love

    40, single, married, divorced or trying to save your relationship? I provide ideas and wisdom on how to build and maintain authentic relationships.
    I look forward to connecting and sharing with you.
Results 1 to 6 of 6