
Type: Posts; User: Millie

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  1. Replies

    Sounds to me like she only wants your attention...

    Sounds to me like she only wants your attention when she deems it appropriate... so while I'd stop short of labelling her 'toxic', she doesn't sound like she's dating material, or anything even...
  2. Replies

    So you're basically going to kill the cat... for...

    So you're basically going to kill the cat... for being a cat? Honest to God some people just never fail to amaze me. House-training a cat is not hard, closing doors so that they cannot get into...
  3. Replies

    Honestly, you're on a fast track to having a very...

    Honestly, you're on a fast track to having a very difficult time of things if you even try to follow through with your plan. Do you even remember being a teenager and how well you would have...
  4. Replies

    Your problem isn't a complicated vagina, it's...

    Your problem isn't a complicated vagina, it's that you have a girlfriend who needs to get boozy in order to admit that she finds anal-play arousing.
  5. Replies

    How about just calling him and telling him what...

    How about just calling him and telling him what you feel, i.e. that you don't feel you're as compatible as you once thought you were. It doesn't make you a bitch to call him given the geography of...
  6. Replies

    Move to Oklahoma, you'll fit right in there ...

    Move to Oklahoma, you'll fit right in there

    ps: the UK doesn't have provinces. Idiot.
  7. Replies

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, if no...

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, if no girl ever wants you the reason why won't have anything to do with your height or your fused plates.
  8. Replies

    Ummm I think right now you're imagining having...

    Ummm I think right now you're imagining having the kind of sex you're used to having and being paid for it... I can see why that would theoretically seem like a good idea but that's not how...
  9. Replies

    I agree with Michelle, it was a bad idea to have...

    I agree with Michelle, it was a bad idea to have sex with him, not necessarily because it was the first date, nor because you met him on the internet, more because you were always leaving after that...
  10. Woahhhhh wall of text alert, just looking at that...

    Woahhhhh wall of text alert, just looking at that makes me lose the will to live... OP edit your original post, break it down into paragraphs - people will be more inclined to read it.
  11. Replies

    This thread would not be out of place in The...

    This thread would not be out of place in The Twilight Zone, honestly.

    Nevertheless, a couple of points...

    Of the 90 odd posts in this thread you wrote 40 of them hun, so, pots and kettles and...
  12. Replies

    Actually no that's not why, but as you wish. Good...

    Actually no that's not why, but as you wish. Good luck with things :)
  13. Replies

    Ummm, okay well I wasn't aware I'd made any...

    Ummm, okay well I wasn't aware I'd made any assumptions at all, much less the lofty kind ;) the only thing that could qualify is that I did take it as a given that the girl in question would be...
  14. Lol. I hate to break it to you but she's a 21...

    Lol. I hate to break it to you but she's a 21 year old Thai girl and you're an older American guy, she'll keep having sex with you 3 times a day, just as she's laugh at all your jokes and tell you...
  15. Replies

    No you're not being unreasonable for wanting him...

    No you're not being unreasonable for wanting him to simply be a grown up and pull his weight, it's called being an adult, and if he loves you I'd suggest he'd want to share the load and not put all...
  16. Replies

    Ahhh, I think you know me well enough to know...

    Ahhh, I think you know me well enough to know that I only want you to be happy, if you believe he's a good guy who hasn't done anything wrong and his not having broken things off with her before he...
  17. Indeed, I asked if she would be okay if it were...

    Indeed, I asked if she would be okay if it were her husband and an ex girlfriend twice and got ignored both times... apparently it's fine for her to spend time with the ex because she moved there...
  18. Oh she said if her husband didn't stop following...

    Oh she said if her husband didn't stop following them she would get her ex to take her to a motel. And then she wonders why he has trust issues. I wouldn't waste your time on this one Bas if I were...
  19. Replies

    AG what people are telling you is right, most...

    AG what people are telling you is right, most women have one boob slightly bigger than the other, both my sisters and I all do and we're each quite different sizes in that respect, I promise you,...
  20. Thread: One sided love

    by Millie

    OP, what is it that you're embarrassed by, the...

    OP, what is it that you're embarrassed by, the fact that you have feelings for Tom or the fact that the step-brother/sister thing makes things complicated and is something people would feel they had...
  21. Replies

    I sort of agree with this and then not... I would...

    I sort of agree with this and then not... I would definitely think about what he's doing to her because you could easily be her a few weeks from now. Yes the geography is different, any relationship...
  22. Replies

    Thanks for the clarification. Well, it seems to...

    Thanks for the clarification. Well, it seems to me that you're interested enough in her to post here, so I would suggest just forgetting about it would be something you'd most likely live to regret....
  23. Replies

    So you're basically asking us if you misread...

    So you're basically asking us if you misread signals... signals you haven't actually yet responded to in any way? Beyond asking her for her number - a number you haven't yet dialled - it doesn't seem...
  24. Replies

    So he doesn't believe in monogamy but he's...

    So he doesn't believe in monogamy but he's prepared to be that with you... for now. I think you need to have a clearer conversation with him to define the terms of your relationship, not all...
  25. Yes it absolutely was right that he dumped you...

    Yes it absolutely was right that he dumped you and if I were him I would ignore you as if you didn't exist, just as he is doing. It's called having self-respect and standards of what you'll accept as...
Results 1 to 25 of 240
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