
Type: Posts; User: ArtisticWoman84

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  1. Replies

    It sounds like there may be abuse triggers on her...

    It sounds like there may be abuse triggers on her part. That means the guy is in some way acting somewhat like a person who abused her. But she cant really sort it out and explain so it makes sense.
  2. Struggling to Let Go even if he was bad for me?

    I'm a mid 40's female. I ended up dating a guy with problems that were very drug/alcohol related. As well as serious mental illness issues. He decided he had little to offer me. Or I think I put him...
  3. Replies

    I will try to bridge this to my understanding of...

    I will try to bridge this to my understanding of how the Law of Attraction does. You were blocked in your energy when he left which was based on fear he couldn't love you. It kept him emotionally...
  4. I would disinvite her and her bf from the whole...

    I would disinvite her and her bf from the whole trip. She needs to grow up!
  5. Replies

    From what you describe I highly suspect this...

    From what you describe I highly suspect this person is on the Asbergers spectrum. It is the missing social cues that gave it away.
  6. Replies

    Reintroduction after 3 Years

    I didn't maintain contact from my intro in 2015.
    I was in Or but graduated college in 2017 with an Art degree and I am grad school area shopping. I may go to Albuquerque in a few weeks. I was in the...
  7. Replies

    Fe 42 in Or, Artist and Student

    Hello all,

    I'm looking for a place to chat about love, how we achieve the kind we want, etc...

    I'm divorced, childless by choice, age 42, living in OR, planning on finding my way down to...
Results 1 to 7 of 7