
Type: Posts; User: Pinky Kumar

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  1. Replies

    Sticky: There is no simple answer to this. But been there...

    There is no simple answer to this. But been there and moved on, here is what I know for sure...

    Life moves on and some people become distant memories. Here are 6 basic principles you should keep...
  2. Respect his decision and stay friends with him....

    Respect his decision and stay friends with him. Don't spoil your Friendship and give him time & space, so that he can think over it.

    Make him feel special and make him understand the depth of...
  3. Breaking up with someone can feel like a major...

    Breaking up with someone can feel like a major loss.

    Relationships that are over still can have a pull on us for long. Something that was once a really big part of your life starts to fade away.
Results 1 to 3 of 5