
Type: Posts; User: Nice Lover Boy

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  1. Replies

    Personally, it all depends on how appealing she...

    Personally, it all depends on how appealing she is to me and vice versa. It's like that one big gift you can't wait to open the day after Christmas because you know you'll enjoy it after all the time...
  2. I think that if my GF would of done all this for...

    I think that if my GF would of done all this for me, it would capture my attention and leave the porn. But since he has an addiction, he doesn't realize all the effort that you're doing.
  3. Okay ladies, how much is sex and kissing important for you? Naughty time!

    I'm back!

    So how would you answer this question. Would you say you got more of it when dating? What makes you want to give it to him or how does he earn it? What are some don'ts and do's? And what...
  4. Yes, I'm the only reason why we make-out. The...

    Yes, I'm the only reason why we make-out. The first time I attempted, she didn't move her lips or came close to me. I kept trying and after several times we ended up sleeping with each other. After...
  5. Replies

    So, when will you talk to him about what you need...

    So, when will you talk to him about what you need to ask him?
  6. Sounds like she is making plans with her ex. If...

    Sounds like she is making plans with her ex. If she is getting calls from her ex and not letting you know about it, it's time to confront her because if she was happy with you she wouldn't be doing...
  7. Replies

    I think if I heard this from the girl who really...

    I think if I heard this from the girl who really is interested in me, I'd give her an answer.
  8. I do appreciate the responses. If she is not that...

    I do appreciate the responses. If she is not that into me, then how come she ask me when I have a day off from work to hang out? She sometimes invites me over to hang out as well. We'll watch some tv...
  9. Maybe I should mention this, but we are not...

    Maybe I should mention this, but we are not officially bf/gf. When I asked her once, she said she wasn't ready. But I thought things were going great and we both kept the communication going. Since I...
  10. I like your response! I agree, it does keep the...

    I like your response! I agree, it does keep the little romance alive. She likes romance. And I hate it when lately I do think about her first thing in the morning and I know she woke up first but no...
  11. It's just you and your opinion matters to this...

    It's just you and your opinion matters to this thread. Most women that I meet are very bipolar and one day want the world and the other day they just want you to leave them alone. That's annoying to...
  12. How important is it to get a "Good Morning" & "Good Night" text from your SO?

    If one night or morning goes missing without receiving a last thought or first thought upon waking up, is there much of a problem? Is there an obvious issue if it happens more often? What would you...
  13. Disorder, no. I've been dating a lot and never...

    Disorder, no. I've been dating a lot and never had issues until now. I enjoy kissing and she told me she still likes me but that was a while ago like 2 weeks before christmas.
  14. What about religious people? I understand most of...

    What about religious people? I understand most of them don't believe in sex before marriage but the kissing part?
    We are both adults, I don't date anyone who is not an adult. I tried to go in for...
  15. At first, she texted me first. But now I always...

    At first, she texted me first. But now I always initiate and put more effort into it all. She just replies in small context now so this does worry me.
    No sex. In fact, we haven't even kissed because...
  16. Ladies, do you kiss when you're "seeing" or "dating" a guy?

    When is it alright to do this?

    And if you are still dating/seeing him after 2 months and you haven't kissed him? Is this just not normal?
  17. Replies

    Keep us posted. As a guy, I once had my lady...

    Keep us posted.

    As a guy, I once had my lady friend around to feel very wanted. When I was with my GF, only reason for me to say that I could still hang out with my lady friend was because she was...
  18. Thanks for the replies. So I called her out on it...

    Thanks for the replies. So I called her out on it and asked if she wasn't into me anymore. She said that she still is but she is having lots of stress at work and with friends. Is this a common...
  19. She doesn't like to talk on the phone(one of...

    She doesn't like to talk on the phone(one of those). When ever we hang out, she is always texting her "bff". She is not popular as she told me she doesn't have many friends. So the only people she...
  20. The origins of when to Text your SO back?

    I'm getting confused here. So lately I've been dating girls on and off and most of them have this idea or game in texting. Let me explain. She text me and I text back within 3min if not busy. I wait...
  21. Replies

    What is the appeal that you have with 30? I'm...

    What is the appeal that you have with 30? I'm going into my late 20's now and I don't see myself dating something that just turned "legal". Really, that would not work. By the way, once you turn 21,...
  22. Tell your sister to ask her BF where he was at...

    Tell your sister to ask her BF where he was at the night you saw him at the movies and with who
  23. Update please

    Update please
  24. I agree with this. We consider this as an award...

    I agree with this. We consider this as an award achieved and can now move on to other "awards" too.
  25. Replies

    Has this got any results yet?

    Has this got any results yet?
Results 1 to 25 of 218
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