
Type: Posts; User: umarmalkh

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  1. Running away from the truth it hurt a lot the...

    Running away from the truth it hurt a lot the best could be telling him how u felt on him kissing that girl may be it was just an influence from his friend and he willing to apologies and never to do...
  2. Replies

    It is never right to push someone to move in with...

    It is never right to push someone to move in with you. and for your sake she had an husband with kids do you think its a easy decision to make right away do not rush her just give her time and...
  3. I think you know how much you feel about the two...

    I think you know how much you feel about the two may be there is a reason to why your daughter asking your man to leave you must ask her nicely before asking him to leave and see what she has for...
  4. The best i can say first understand why she left...

    The best i can say first understand why she left you at first if all can be worked and you still has a desire for her then follow her before it too late
  5. Replies

    My brother you have to be as man and groom you...

    My brother you have to be as man and groom you woman the way you want her to treat you before it is too late. if you take it when she is already used being bossy to you i promise you will lose her...
Results 1 to 5 of 5