
Type: Posts; User: Emma_K

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  1. Yes, sone guys can be objectively ugly. Studies...

    Yes, sone guys can be objectively ugly. Studies prove that there are certain characteristics that we consider beautiful and the same thing applies to ugliness. Lack of symmetry, deformities, poor...
  2. Why do guys who are ugly think they have a chance?

    Why do ugly guys even date? Not even ugly girls want ugly guys. So why do they even bother? If ugly guys gonna get laid or get a gf they need to be rich and famous but that is almost impossible to...
  3. Replies

    Guy i dated told the truth about himself

    I dated a guy for a while. He is cute and very friendly. I have a crush on him. All fine and well. But today he revealed that he is a kissless virgin and that he before me have been rejected by...
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