
Type: Posts; User: Lord Darkshire

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  1. You are getting a little crazy that's why there...

    You are getting a little crazy that's why there are the arguments, and his indecisiveness to be with you again. You are in a bad way, the more he is out of reach, with other girls, talking to other...
  2. Ummmm he sounds like one busy dude, and why are...

    Ummmm he sounds like one busy dude, and why are you so needy? You are not exclusive, all he is doing right now is playing it by ear, just keeping in contact. I believe he is keeping his options...
  3. probably about 80% who post here have OCD. You...

    probably about 80% who post here have OCD. You lack coping skills so you need to be reassued constantly. But if it really starts to take over your life, then I suggest behavior therapy to combat it.
  4. Listen, this is how it is, to make yourself more...

    Listen, this is how it is, to make yourself more desirable, is to make yourself less available. The trick is when you text her, text her something like "Ya out with buddies at the _____, having a...
  5. Replies

    We all go through some hard knocks in life, but...

    We all go through some hard knocks in life, but in the end those who felt you were important to them, will always be around. Even if they don't talk to you for a year or so, they seem to come back to...
  6. Why are you not listening to her? She told you...

    Why are you not listening to her? She told you she isn't ready for any relationship. All she wants is a little attention, comfort, and friendship. You are already being pushy putting her on the spot...
  7. Dude she friend zoned you. Just because a girl...

    Dude she friend zoned you. Just because a girl hands over her number and agrees to a date doesn't mean she is interested. Confusing I know. So many girls are afraid to reject a guy, so they lie. Then...
  8. Hi rosebud, welcome to the forum. You are shy,...

    Hi rosebud, welcome to the forum. You are shy, and so everyone else your age. It's a difficult time being a junior, dealing with all these new emotions, topped off with feelings of uncertanty. I will...
  9. No it's not, but it's normal behaviour for...

    No it's not, but it's normal behaviour for someone who has no real interest in you.

    He's 24 for heaven sakes, he's young, active and horny. I doubt he sees having any furture with you.

  10. Replies

    Hey helpmeplease, If your therapy isn't working,...

    Hey helpmeplease, If your therapy isn't working, tell them it's not working. Maybe see your doctor to get another referal to a different therapist. It could be that you are not getting the right...
  11. If it were me I would have discussed this before...

    If it were me I would have discussed this before even considering dating her. Her relationship with her friend is not appropriate. Yes there has to be certain boundaries set when in a relationship...
  12. Replies

    ok you guys that's enough. Stop derailing threads...

    ok you guys that's enough. Stop derailing threads with your arguments. I'm kicking you off your soapboxes and closing this thread.
  13. Thread closed.

    Thread closed.
  14. Look out FB, snapshot is the new Anti-Christ of...

    Look out FB, snapshot is the new Anti-Christ of social media. lol
  15. If you are finding yourself here asking about a...

    If you are finding yourself here asking about a guy you have never been on a date with or even have met for that matter, you are wasting your time.

    I agree with Wakeup you are putting too much...
  16. Replies

    They don't answer you forget about them and move...

    They don't answer you forget about them and move on.

    Just because they gave you their phone number doesn't mean you are going to get a date out of them.
  17. Replies

    Poll: ok this is getting ridiculous. Thread closed.

    ok this is getting ridiculous. Thread closed.
  18. Replies

    This has turned into a shitshow, this thread is...

    This has turned into a shitshow, this thread is closed.
  19. Replies

    Ya dude you can't MAKE her like's all...

    Ya dude you can't MAKE her like's all natural selection. But you lessen your chances if you get are all nervous and insecure. Confidence usually gets the girl.
  20. Tell Mr B you are not interested in him...

    Tell Mr B you are not interested in him romantically, he needs the honest truth. Tell Mr. A you would like to spend time with him.
  21. Thread: Help!!

    by Lord Darkshire

    The age difference isn't that much in the adult...

    The age difference isn't that much in the adult world but as teenagers it's huge. He isn't mature enough to handle a relationship of your caliber. He may seem mature in your eyes but when involved...
  22. Funny most guys get caught up in this bs not...

    Funny most guys get caught up in this bs not girls.
  23. Replies

    Well when I was a teenage boy, I would be...

    Well when I was a teenage boy, I would be thinking about sex. I think what you are seeing is him having naughty thoughts about you and is trying to hide it.
  24. Replies

    Why even ask here. If you want to then do it....

    Why even ask here. If you want to then do it. That is how you know if she likes you or not.
  25. Replies

    You can also notify her family and put the...

    You can also notify her family and put the responsability on to them.
Results 1 to 25 of 494
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