
Type: Posts; User: fuzzykoala

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  1. What does it mean when a married man acts like this?

    My friend and I were both talking to each other alone. While he was talking to me, he kept touching his face throughout half of our conversation. He'd keep rubbing his chin, touching his neck and...
  2. What does it mean when a guy gives you this type of hug?

    I was sad about something and I asked him for a hug and he opened his arms to give me a hug. While we were hugging, our bodies were completely touching. He had his arms around my upper back. A few...
  3. Replies

    Why was he staring at me like that?

    I'm good friends with this guy and we had made plans to go out together and eat somewhere to catch up on life. We were both sitting at a booth and he was talking to me. After he was done talking, we...
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