
Type: Posts; User: lahnnabell

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  1. Back Again. Need some perspective on boyfriend/family situation.

    Been a while since I've been here. I found myself thinking a lot and I realized I could use some advice from some honest individuals that have given me sound advice before.

    First: My boyfriend...
  2. Replies

    You should discuss it ASAP. Otherwise you're...

    You should discuss it ASAP. Otherwise you're only going to put it off until it bothers you so much that you possibly explode. Strong relationships thrive on communication and honesty. If you're...
  3. Replies

    You should kindly ask him to refrain from...

    You should kindly ask him to refrain from commenting while you're present. It's one thing to ogle a hot chick around other guys, but it's rather disrespectful in the presence of other women,...
  4. Replies

    I think you should practice socializing my making...

    I think you should practice socializing my making more friends first. Learn how to talk to people, guys and girls. Take inventory of your interests and start developing some hobbies around them. ...
  5. Replies

    I agree. And he's not going to change. He's...

    I agree. And he's not going to change. He's most likely projecting his own personal insecurities on to you and that's something he needs to deal with on his own. You can't fix him, nor should you...
  6. Nothing wrong with taking interest in a different...

    Nothing wrong with taking interest in a different guy for sexual purposes. That's how I put off my cravings once in a while, and more often than not I just got myself off. It's more fun to have...
  7. Replies

    The initial point of kageri's post was simply to...

    The initial point of kageri's post was simply to say that the length of time you date prior to cohabitation does NOT ALWAYS have an effect on the success rate of the relationship. Nor does how fast...
  8. Replies

    There is nothing wrong with chatting. I agree...

    There is nothing wrong with chatting. I agree with Heart that it all has to do with trust. If you can't trust your SO to not do something that would cross the line, or would be considered...
  9. And you're sure all you want it sex? Because...

    And you're sure all you want it sex? Because once you start bangin', it's going to be hard to throw it in reverse if you suddenly decide you want a relationship. Just sayin'. It can work, but just...
  10. Replies

    Yeah... This one is the toughest transition for...

    Yeah... This one is the toughest transition for young people (emotional transition anyway) who are headed to college. High school sweethearts don't hold the same magic and it takes a lot more...
  11. Replies

    OP, please don't think that every woman will go...

    OP, please don't think that every woman will go psycho over you chatting with another girl. Anyone who goes psycho over that is insecure. That's what it all stems from. A woman without an...
  12. Replies

    You should get it over with and break up with...

    You should get it over with and break up with her. It's only going to torture you until she gets home. I can almost guarantee you that she hasn't ceased contact, otherwise she wouldn't have had an...
  13. Replies

    Her anger isn't just about the pictures. The...

    Her anger isn't just about the pictures. The pictures are a convenient excuse for her to get mad despite all of the other BS she's been putting you through as well. All of her excuses: the move,...
  14. Good. And yes, she most definitely could have...

    Good. And yes, she most definitely could have helped add some flavor to the time you spent together. It's not fair for her to expect that you will do all the work when she was barely giving you the...
  15. Replies

    A few weeks. Usually you have to wait until the...

    A few weeks. Usually you have to wait until the hair regrows to about 1/4 of an inch before you can wax again. If the hair is too short then it could scar your skin. The esthetician should let you...
  16. Replies

    He's delusional. My father has this problem. ...

    He's delusional. My father has this problem. Simply put, people like this truly believe that if they deny something (despite hard evidence) it is simply not true. It's manipulative, psychotic...
  17. Don't be too hard on yourself. It's just as much...

    Don't be too hard on yourself. It's just as much her fault as yours, and really no one is to blame. Every relationship begins hot and heavy. You can't wait to see each other every single day, but...
  18. Replies

    I get waxed. Shaving just ruins my skin. I...

    I get waxed. Shaving just ruins my skin. I don't recommend waxing yourself; you're much better off having a professional do it.

    There's always the risk of ingrown hairs (which can become...
  19. Replies

    You're enabling him and mothering him. I was a...

    You're enabling him and mothering him. I was a full-time student I worked 20-30 hours a week. There's no reason he can't do more to help out. I think you need to issue an ultimatum, especially...
  20. I had this problem with a guy... Things he would...

    I had this problem with a guy... Things he would tell me wouldn't match up with things he told his friends. Not a good sign. He's inconsistent (doesn't know what he wants) or a liar, or both. ...
  21. I think those are only partial reasons for her...

    I think those are only partial reasons for her hesitation. It serves as a really solid excuse for all of her her behavior and she's milking it. I think she's also been bored for a while, but I'm...
  22. Don't encourage her to come around. I know you...

    Don't encourage her to come around. I know you WANT her to come around, but it's not doing you guys any good chasing each other like this. I know you're afraid that if you're cold to her that...
  23. Replies

    I am so lucky to have my mother. She's been...

    I am so lucky to have my mother. She's been there for me every step of my life. She's everything I ever want to be. I don't know what I would do without her, especially since my father made...
  24. She's feeling insecure. She's used to you...

    She's feeling insecure. She's used to you chasing her around and now that she doesn't have that anymore, she's unsure of where you guys stand. She doesn't want to commit and lose her freedom (as it...
  25. Replies

    OP, stop getting pissy. Notice how NO ONE is...

    OP, stop getting pissy. Notice how NO ONE is supporting your reasons for sending this letter because you're lying to yourself about why you want to send it. You need the help of a therapist who can...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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