
Type: Posts; User: DonnaK

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  1. Replies

    Congrats somehelp4me.

    Congrats somehelp4me.
  2. Replies

    Why not open a poll? If LA has been reading...

    Why not open a poll? If LA has been reading these threads, he knows most of the regulars are unhappy with what he is doing.

    If he bans us, we are leaving anyway at some point right?
  3. OP, he did give you something for your bday...

    OP, he did give you something for your bday before he left, so that's saying something, right? Maybe he forgot your bday cause he's been busy being away doing his military duties. Hopefully he will...
  4. Replies

    I would go to a new forum if you all go. I don't...

    I would go to a new forum if you all go. I don't like limits on what are supposed to be free forums.

    If LA is pissed about walls of texts, then how about posting something in the rules about...
  5. Replies

    I would go if someone opened up a new love forum....

    I would go if someone opened up a new love forum. I know I don't have a ton of post, but I lurk & read enough here to have been here a longer time than my post count would suggest. Oh I have to...
  6. Replies

    Happy Birthday & Anniversary! Sorry you are...

    Happy Birthday & Anniversary!

    Sorry you are alone today, but maybe when your wife comes back, she will make it up to you.
  7. So, what do you really want us to tell you here...

    So, what do you really want us to tell you here OP?

    Seems to me you made your choice, what the others have told you, you aren't really letting it sink in. Seems to me that you don't want to be...
  8. Umm...HELL NO!!

    Umm...HELL NO!!
  9. Replies

    WOW...I second this being the thread of the...

    WOW...I second this being the thread of the century.

    OP I'm so sure you are a valuable employee at your job since your boss told you at your private weekly meeting at his temporary house. Yep...I...
  10. *sigh* you are not going to win, you will come...

    *sigh* you are not going to win, you will come out the loser. I'm done too & I haven't said that much on this thread.

    I have to wonder where this site gets all these delusional
  11. It's NOT true love! If it was you 2 would not...

    It's NOT true love! If it was you 2 would not have broken up in the first place. OR You both would be back together trying again & he sure as hell wouldn't have a girlfriend.

    So maybe in YOUR...
  12. Seems to me people are trying to help you, but...

    Seems to me people are trying to help you, but you won't listen to them because they aren't telling you what you want to hear. Which is, keep on being a doormat for him. People here aren't going to...
  13. I think this thread should die out, as Josie...

    I think this thread should die out, as Josie isn't going to listen to anythin anyone has to say to her. I've only read this 1 thread, but that's all I need to read to know she's stubborn & set in...
  14. I thought arranged marriages were along the lines...

    I thought arranged marriages were along the lines of a forced type of marriage. Where the son/daughter doesn't know the person the parent picks out, but yet they are still to marry him/her.
  15. Nope, don't think it will work out.

    Nope, don't think it will work out.
  16. What if she is pregnant?

    What if she is pregnant?
Results 1 to 16 of 21