
Type: Posts; User: TablesandChairs

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  1. She has two children and is living with her...

    She has two children and is living with her partner. It's fair to say that male is not just a house-mate. Not everyone gets married so that's no reflection of her commitment to him.

    When you like...
  2. Replies

    Well, if you're both playing hard to get, neither...

    Well, if you're both playing hard to get, neither of you will get anything. Sooner or later she'll accept a proposal and voila, end of cold-love story.

    It is a bit strange that you're happy...
  3. You're definitely not the biggest scum alive;...

    You're definitely not the biggest scum alive; just learn and improve. While it may have been just sexual tension on your side - it wasn't on hers. You should never imply 'sex with benefits' to...
  4. You did nothing wrong; scheduling plans is a two...

    You did nothing wrong; scheduling plans is a two way street requiring some back/forth communication; that said, if I was very keen on someone - I wouldn't waste the weekend so you've got some...
  5. Well, no straight guy I know would 'joke' around...

    Well, no straight guy I know would 'joke' around like that - nothing close to it. He's obviously confused, in the closet...whatever it might be. But from what you're saying, it's very, very unlikely...
  6. Replies

    You've been together for 4 years and the thing...

    You've been together for 4 years and the thing that stood out to me the most (from your post) is the recurring 'space' thing. If it was me, I'd have expected more after 4 years - to blend the...
  7. Replies

    Looking ahead to the future is not being...

    Looking ahead to the future is not being 'paranoid', it's being sensible. When people ignore red flags, they end up in crappy relationships, full of regret.

    What you're seeing is what you stand...
  8. Replies

    If he loves you as much as he claims, he'd move...

    If he loves you as much as he claims, he'd move to where you are, he'd put all your doubts to rest - with your permission, he might decide to stay married to his 'wife' until her citizenship clears...
  9. It's not an uncommon reaction to cheating -...

    It's not an uncommon reaction to cheating - insecurity, doubt, anger. As nice as it would be to be able to put all that in the past and do the whole 'clean slate' thing, in reality - most people have...
  10. Your girlfriend is a bit gross. For a start, why...

    Your girlfriend is a bit gross. For a start, why would you accept gifts and money from some creepy engaged dude? Secondly, he's talking about the time he would spend between her legs...which clearly...
  11. Replies

    You're in love with all that is shiny and new;...

    You're in love with all that is shiny and new; once the shine fades, your mind wonders. But these are silly games to be playing because you're an adult and peoples feelings are involved.

  12. Replies

    Ah, the mind-f*ck guy. One of the worst. They're...

    Ah, the mind-f*ck guy. One of the worst. They're incredibly charming, funny and seemingly so into you that you think 'of course he wants more! of course he wants a relationship!'. They usually have...
  13. Replies

    You can't be held accountable for her hurting...

    You can't be held accountable for her hurting herself, no doubt. I'm not saying she's this massively damaged person beyond repair; it's likely she's a girl who needs to be in close proximity to her...
  14. I'm not saying you don't have an anxiety issue or...

    I'm not saying you don't have an anxiety issue or over-sensitivity (call it what you will) - but from what I've read, you've got some good reasons to feel...less than certain. But you're not leaving...
  15. You mentioned PTSD, which is a legitimate...

    You mentioned PTSD, which is a legitimate disorder and can affect people in many ways. But how much of all this is PTSD and how much is just him being an inconsiderate jerk? Regardless - what do you...
  16. Replies

    Are you actually ready to move on or are you...

    Are you actually ready to move on or are you angry and seeking 'revenge'?

    Generally, if you meet a decent woman and she finds out that not only are you not divorced yet, but still living with you...
  17. This is a bit mental - you know it and I know it....

    This is a bit mental - you know it and I know it. Change or be doomed to a life with cats.

    Seriously - you guys met at a point in life when BOTH of you have had previous lives...which is normal....
  18. Replies

    Honest opinion: No, he's not worth it. a)...

    Honest opinion:

    No, he's not worth it.

    a) he was cheating on his boyfriend, for a start. At no point did he break up with said boyfriend and even come Valentines day, he prioritised his...
  19. Replies

    Your option is to divorce your wife, plan out...

    Your option is to divorce your wife, plan out some sort of settlement and make arrangements for your child - who she/she lives with, how much $ is payable, visitation times and so forth. This can...
  20. Replies

    I find this sad and I'm wondering if you're a...

    I find this sad and I'm wondering if you're a lost cause. I hope not.

    This man is not 'normal' and by that I mean - he is not the type of man you want to be relying on. He's controlling,...
  21. I think both of you need to put your adult...

    I think both of you need to put your adult underwear on and move out. Free rent is not worth living in an unhealthy, delusional environment. Demons? Come on - this isn't the dark ages and to assume...
  22. I'm sorry - what is this craziness? Krystal is...

    I'm sorry - what is this craziness? Krystal is married to your boyfriends FRIEND yet she comes onto him (pretty strongly)? What kind of friend is your boyfriend exactly? This isn't about 'Krystal' -...
  23. Replies

    Are you dating or are you meeting up...

    Are you dating or are you meeting up coincidentally and making a meal of it?
  24. In his view, a hand job isn't really 'cheating'....

    In his view, a hand job isn't really 'cheating'. That should give you some indication of what you're dealing with. It doesn't matter how much you put out - this isn't about him being some sex-starved...
  25. I would have dumped him already. All signs...

    I would have dumped him already.

    All signs point to: get the hell out. He won't be changing, he'll just get smarter about how he goes about his business. You don't ask for someone to respect the...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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