
Type: Posts; User: TheEvilJester

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  1. All of that is great, peace.fairy... but it...

    All of that is great, peace.fairy... but it doesn't change the fact that it doesn't sound like he handled it well at times when you have come to him. Again, I was not there to witness your...
  2. Replies

    Are you still seeing that therapist? Maybe you...

    Are you still seeing that therapist? Maybe you need to just stick it out for a while with them. Or maybe they just weren't quite the right therapist for you/your situation. Therapists are just people...
  3. Is this the same guy from your posts late last...

    Is this the same guy from your posts late last year? I think the last time that particular thread was active had been in November. We are only a few months removed from that. At the time (November) I...
  4. Replies

    I haven't seen that yet, but I've heard good...

    I haven't seen that yet, but I've heard good things.
  5. Replies

    I have been too busy to come back for a little...

    I have been too busy to come back for a little while. I myself reported the abusive posts/posters to the admin but, of course, haven't heard anything back. I also volunteered to be an extra moderator...
  6. Replies

    I probably won't see that one in theaters, but I...

    I probably won't see that one in theaters, but I definitely want to check it out at some point. Peele's other horror movie was pretty good and I've heard good things about this one too.
  7. Replies

    I was actually pleasantly surprised by the new...

    I was actually pleasantly surprised by the new Halloween movie. I HATED that they just completely ignored all the other movies, but I knew they were doing that ahead of time. Yes, many of the earlier...
  8. Replies

    I actually wound up seeing all three movies I...

    I actually wound up seeing all three movies I mentioned. Happy Death Day 2 U was surprisingly good. Not that I didn't think it would be good, but I just didn't really see why that story needed to be...
  9. Replies

    That is just amazing. This, like a million times...

    That is just amazing. This, like a million times over. :) I could not agree more with this advice if it had come from my own mouth. Err... or I guess my own fingers in this case. LOL!

    Pain is...
  10. Truth be told, I am much less forgiving of people...

    Truth be told, I am much less forgiving of people like that. So, you could certainly be right. He may not be inherently evil. He may just be f-ed up, as you put it. Truth is, that doesn't make it...
  11. Replies

    How long have you been having this issue? Where...

    How long have you been having this issue? Where you just can't find interest in women? If it hasn't been too long, it could just be that your past experiences have put you off of it temporarily. That...
  12. You are human. That is a good thing. Why do you...

    You are human. That is a good thing. Why do you feel bad for him even despite that all of this is his own fault? Because you are a good person. Because you once cared about him. Or at least you cared...
  13. Replies

    I think you'd have to give us a lot more...

    I think you'd have to give us a lot more information to start forming any kind of real opinion on the matter. Based on the little you shared, I have no idea if the issue may be with you or if the...
  14. Replies

    Um... what? LOL! You just contradicted yourself...

    Um... what? LOL! You just contradicted yourself in your own advice. Was that like two of the different voices in your head? Because mine usually just tell me to kill people and burn things. :D
  15. Oh, why thank you. I do try. Honestly, I always...

    Oh, why thank you. I do try. Honestly, I always try to help as best I can with those who come along, and I always try to empathize with the person asking advice... but sometimes there are people that...
  16. Replies

    Maybe they had an open relationship. LOL! You...

    Maybe they had an open relationship. LOL! You also have to remember that after last season and the whole thing with Rick, they jumped forward like 6 years this season. So, a lot can happen in 6 years.
  17. Eh, that's okay. People make that out to be like...

    Eh, that's okay. People make that out to be like it is so weird, but I think they blow it out of proportion. I mean, doesn't everybody have those voices that scream at you to kill people and burn...
  18. Replies

    There are three upcoming I'm interested to see....

    There are three upcoming I'm interested to see. Two are out now, one coming soon.

    1) Happy Death Day 2 U

    I loved the first movie. I really don't quite understand how they could continue that...
  19. Replies

    Doom Patrol? Don't think I have ever heard of...

    Doom Patrol? Don't think I have ever heard of that one. Is that on the Netflix or the Hulu? Or even the Amazon Prime? What's it aboot? May have to add it to my list.
  20. Replies

    I finally got around to watching these great new...

    I finally got around to watching these great new movies. It's this series of movies about a wizard named Harry Potter. There were 8 movies in total and, so far, I've gotten through all but two....
  21. Replies

    That's on my list. I haven't gotten to it yet,...

    That's on my list. I haven't gotten to it yet, but it is on the list.

    I recently watched Russian Doll. It is a Groundhog Day/Happy Death Day type of deal, but a show instead of a movie. 8 episodes...
  22. Replies

    Yes. I want to especially second that. And, don't...

    Yes. I want to especially second that. And, don't get me wrong... I don't mean to dismiss the romantic idea of finding your "soulmate." Finding "THE One." It's just that there isn't just one person...
  23. Maybe, maybe not. I could see that, though. If he...

    Maybe, maybe not. I could see that, though. If he has no sincere interest in a serious, long-term relationship then he may see no reason not to lie. He may think lying about his age gives him a...
  24. Replies

    Yeah, people apologize all the time without...

    Yeah, people apologize all the time without actually meaning it. Based on the more we've learned about this guy, I'm fairly certain he didn't mean it in the slightest. He's the type who isn't...
  25. Oh wow. I didn't even think of that. But, now...

    Oh wow. I didn't even think of that. But, now that you bring it up I can't help but wonder if there actually could be something to that. I think I would say it could be just as likely that as it...
Results 1 to 25 of 394
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