
Type: Posts; User: AbigailR

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  1. How should I confront my mom about her drinking?

    My mom started drinking alot when she met my stepdad when I was in 3rd grade. They started drinking every night as soon as they got home and passed out after dinner. When I was teenager I took...
  2. Replies

    I don't understand the point of this. Good for...

    I don't understand the point of this. Good for you for being sexy, I guess. Imagine what a catch you would be if you worked on your personality.
  3. Thread: Cum

    by AbigailR

    I know I'm probably every mans worst nightmare,...

    I know I'm probably every mans worst nightmare, but I hate it lol. I think it's a texture/consistency thing.. I just can't. If I really care about someone I'll at least try, but I don't like it, and...
  4. Replies

    So how do you know so much about Americans? I...

    So how do you know so much about Americans? I didn't really start wearing make up until I was a senior in high school, but I grew up in the boonies so I don't know if that had something to do with...
  5. The weather and the ocean are the only things you...

    The weather and the ocean are the only things you got right in that statement. Maybe you should go take geography again. Oklahoma is one of the most geographically diverse states in the country. We...
  6. I'm assuming to left out some details so you have...

    I'm assuming to left out some details so you have a better chance of getting the answers you want to hear, right? I think it's disrespectful of *you* to want alone time with your ex boyfriend and...
  7. The weather is pretty crappy, I'll give you that...

    The weather is pretty crappy, I'll give you that one, but it's not like we're living in covered wagons. We have one of the best economies in the country, housing is cheap, and the unemployment rate...
  8. Replies

    This is extremely common. Don't freak out.

    This is extremely common. Don't freak out.
  9. Replies

    I like when a guy pays attention to my breasts,...

    I like when a guy pays attention to my breasts, but if it was so much that I started producing milk I would probably be turned off by that. That's just me though. It would make me think of...
  10. Why do people hate Oklahoma so much? I seriously...

    Why do people hate Oklahoma so much? I seriously don't get it. Have any of you actually been here?

    It does sound like there's something she's not telling you. I would move on, but if she decided...
  11. Replies

    The first things I look for are respect,...

    The first things I look for are respect, compatibility, and trust.
  12. First of all I'd just like to say that Oklahoma...

    First of all I'd just like to say that Oklahoma is not the worst place on the planet.

    Now that that's out of the way.. I agree with surf and think y'all should call it quits.
  13. I guess it could depend on what type of picture...

    I guess it could depend on what type of picture it was, but they could have found it obnoxious.
  14. I think they just like the hair color. My hair...

    I think they just like the hair color. My hair was always a really light blonde, but it started getting darker when I was a teenager so I started adding highlights. My natural hair color now is a...
  15. Yes, you are attractive.

    Yes, you are attractive.
  16. Replies

    Well if he dumped you and wants to be with...

    Well if he dumped you and wants to be with someone else, then I doubt he'll care. You'll probably just wind up making yourself look bad.
  17. Thread: Favorite Band

    by AbigailR

    Right now The Black Keys are my favorite.

    Right now The Black Keys are my favorite.
  18. Deserved what? Yes, I know what you're saying and...

    Deserved what? Yes, I know what you're saying and I was simply stating my opinion. I didn't know you wanted someone to write you a ****ing essay about it.
  19. They're very helpful. I recently started having...

    They're very helpful. I recently started having anxiety attacks during bad weather, like during tornado season, and I've gotten a lot of help. There's definitely a need for psychiatrists and...
  20. Replies

    What is wrong with books?

    What is wrong with books?
  21. Sounds like she was just mad that you didn't...

    Sounds like she was just mad that you didn't think her beauty was Gods gift to the world lol.

    I get what you mean about being adorable and cute and stuff. I don't see the big deal. At least she's...
  22. Lol where the hell did you get that definition? ...

    Lol where the hell did you get that definition?

    I don't think cute is a bad thing. If I had to guess I'd say the reasoning behind not liking it is that to some girls 'cute' is what you'd call a...
  23. I don't disapprove of men who like large breasts....

    I don't disapprove of men who like large breasts. That's their personal preference. Like others have said, it's the insecure girls who have problems with it. Some men like small boobs, or just don't...
  24. Thread: Hey ladies

    by AbigailR

    Oh no I'd be way more worried about coworkers and...

    Oh no I'd be way more worried about coworkers and friends than I would about strippers and prostitutes. I'd be willing to bet that when most men cheat it's with the hot secretary or someone they met...
  25. Agree 100% with michelle. I know it may sound a...

    Agree 100% with michelle. I know it may sound a bit extreme to you right now, but that's exactly what you need to do. Don't break it off in person, especially if you two are alone, and have...
Results 1 to 25 of 164
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