
Type: Posts; User: TheCafeTerrace

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  1. Replies

    Bad luck mate, but at least you gave it a shot.

    Bad luck mate, but at least you gave it a shot.
  2. "Do you want to get a drink tonight?" is always a...

    "Do you want to get a drink tonight?" is always a classic.
  3. Replies

    Is she not willing to travel to see you?

    Is she not willing to travel to see you?
  4. Replies

    Good - ask her out then, the sooner the better.

    Good - ask her out then, the sooner the better.
  5. Replies

    Exactly, maybe look into some tantra.

    Exactly, maybe look into some tantra.
  6. Replies

    Let's say she is losing interest, would you stop...

    Let's say she is losing interest, would you stop going out with her? If you like going out with her and she agrees to go out with you, go out with her. There's no point worrying about how interested...
  7. You say you can't live without this girl, but so...

    You say you can't live without this girl, but so far the nicest thing you've said about her was that on Sunday "she wasn't being a bitch or anything". Everyone here knows what you need to do - stop...
  8. Replies

    Have a drink with Claire, and ask out Jess later....

    Have a drink with Claire, and ask out Jess later. Going to the pub with someone doesn't make you a player, don't worry about that. I'd say get a few people from your class to all go to the pub...
  9. Replies

    What kind of luddite doesn't have a mobile these...

    What kind of luddite doesn't have a mobile these days?! He has deep psychological issues with phones that no non-professional can heal, don't take it personally.

    ... Try facebooking him, or skype....
  10. Replies

    Everyone's different, there's only one woman you...

    Everyone's different, there's only one woman you need to ask about what she likes and somehow I doubt she'll be on this forum. Getting her to tell you what's good/not so great while you're ****ing is...
  11. No, I definitely meant Jon Ronson. The title is a...

    No, I definitely meant Jon Ronson. The title is a nod to Hare, but during the course of the book Ronson highlights the dangers of using such a blunt tool as Hare's checklist. He even interviewed Hare...
  12. I've just realised where I've heard the name John...

    I've just realised where I've heard the name John Douglas before - he featured in a book by Jon Ronson called 'The Psychopath Test' which contained a chapter on criminal profiling. I can't find the...
  13. You can't change your sexual tastes, all you can...

    You can't change your sexual tastes, all you can do is choose to forgo them if your partner is unwilling to indulge them. Many people do this and live fulfilling lives nonetheless - people can even...
  14. Perhaps, but what you can do is quantify how many...

    Perhaps, but what you can do is quantify how many people have "depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsion... PTSD, trauma-related phenomena, personality disturbances, psychological sadism or...
  15. Prove it. There are a number of academic studies...

    Prove it. There are a number of academic studies out there which show exactly the opposite (I posted a handful in an earlier post on this thread, perhaps you missed it).
  16. Where the hell did your impression that I think...

    Where the hell did your impression that I think of myself as a religious scholar come from? An architecture student, yes (I imagine you got that from the fact I knew what SketchUp was), but religious...
  17. Replies

    Burn the entire garden to the ground and salt the...

    Burn the entire garden to the ground and salt the earth, problem solved.

    ... but yeah, what boom43 said is pretty on the money too.
  18. I never learned to read, but don't really care...

    I never learned to read, but don't really care for literature.
  19. Replies

    Age is just a number, but it's also a very...

    Age is just a number, but it's also a very accurate way to describe how old someone is.
  20. The results were quantifiable, and peer reviewed....

    The results were quantifiable, and peer reviewed. You still haven't shown me a comparable academic study to back up the assertion that "most of those types of sexual deviations stem from past abuses,...
  21. I've heard the same thing said about the police...

    I've heard the same thing said about the police too.

    Fair enough.
  22. Psychology is a science, psycho-analysis isn't...

    Psychology is a science, psycho-analysis isn't (which is where we find the root of this stereotype.) Find me a study comparable to the ones I cited which demonstrates that "most of those types of...
  23. I'm in the lifestyle, and there is nothing there...

    I'm in the lifestyle, and there is nothing there to suggest that the group of people into WIITWD have any more tendency towards sociopathic behaviours than the rest of the population.
  24. Oh really?

    Oh really?
  25. Oh for **** sake! Seriously?! The massive...

    Oh for **** sake! Seriously?! The massive majority of sexual sadists aren't sociopaths, they understand the colossal importance of CONSENT. Liking to whip your sub in the bedroom isn't the same as...
Results 1 to 25 of 368
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