
Type: Posts; User: anonymous_a

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  1. If she's with someone for 7 years, she loves...

    If she's with someone for 7 years, she loves them. Period. NO VALENTINE'S DAY SURPRISE! If you want to get to know her, BE HER FRIEND. That's IT! And if you pull some shit on V-Day, she most likely...
  2. Replies

    To be honest, when a girl says "you're too nice"...

    To be honest, when a girl says "you're too nice" it's usually her nice way of saying you're clingy and need to back off a bit. Treating a girl like a princess is one thing, smothering them is...
  3. Although I agree with basilandthyme, this seems...

    Although I agree with basilandthyme, this seems like a little more than just a crush. He was infatuated with her before you, and still is, despite being with you, that's a little heavy to me.
  4. How long have you been together? How do you know...

    How long have you been together? How do you know that he really has cut her off and he's not just saying that? How do you know she won't all of a sudden change her mind about him and he'll go running...
  5. Replies

    I have in the past, when I lived in a big city....

    I have in the past, when I lived in a big city. Gone to a club, met a hot guy, took him home. Not necessarily with the intention of it being a one nighter, but if you take a guy home on the first...
  6. Replies

    Are you a virgin? Does she know if you are or...

    Are you a virgin? Does she know if you are or not? Why does she want sex? Does she just want a booty call?
  7. Winking for no reason, is probably his way of...

    Winking for no reason, is probably his way of flirting, unless you said something that caused him to wink, or maybe he said something that was meant to be joke, so he winked to indicate so.
  8. Replies

    A woman who asks out a man, is clearly confident...

    A woman who asks out a man, is clearly confident in herself. This is a quality you should admire. Go for drinks, and see how it goes
  9. Replies

    You really need to take a serious look at what...

    You really need to take a serious look at what you even want from this. Are you willing to move for him if it gets serious? Is he willing to move for you? You don't have kids, so there is nothing to...
  10. You're the one with the feelings, not him. He...

    You're the one with the feelings, not him. He will be acting how he normally does with his wife.
  11. He probably does want to be friends for now, but...

    He probably does want to be friends for now, but if he does get a gf, this will probably change. I'd cut contact again. If you still have feleings for him, you will end up getting hurt.
  12. I talk about my ex boyfriends sometimes with my...

    I talk about my ex boyfriends sometimes with my boyfriend. It sounds like she has SOME interest in you, but you guys live in seperate countries, so there's only so much that you can do. She might see...
  13. Booty call.

    Booty call.
  14. Have. You. Slept. With. Him. Yet?!?!

    Have. You. Slept. With. Him. Yet?!?!
  15. Replies

    Need to know basis here.

    Need to know basis here.
  16. Replies

    Wayyyy too long.

    Wayyyy too long.
  17. Have you ever actually slept with him?

    Have you ever actually slept with him?
  18. Or maybe he just wants to bang you.

    Or maybe he just wants to bang you.
  19. Does he have an explanation as to why he is so...

    Does he have an explanation as to why he is so hot and cold? I know you said he got defensive, but you asked a question, and surely he answered it?
  20. Love this.

    Love this.
  21. Replies

    Douching is extremely unhealthy for the vagina!...

    Douching is extremely unhealthy for the vagina! Warm water is enough, and maybe a mild soap, but even then, it can cause problems.
  22. Are you seriously looking for validation right...

    Are you seriously looking for validation right now? "He cries to me, tells me his deepest problems, has told me he loves me" but.. "is he into me?"

    Seriously? *rolls eyes*
  23. It's you hun, not him. You just sound very...

    It's you hun, not him. You just sound very insecure. I think you need to be alone for a chunk of time to work on yourself. You need to learn to love yourself before you can love someone else. You...
  24. Replies

    Paganism and white magic is very real and still...

    Paganism and white magic is very real and still largely exists. Maybe you should open your mind a little. The only types of spells I would ever cast, mind you, are cleansing spells, good luck and...
  25. Replies

    Or marry him to get in the country. Funny how...

    Or marry him to get in the country. Funny how ignorant a man can turn when a hot sex fiend is put in ffront of him.
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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