(Sorry if it's long)
We have been dating since April. Our relationship has been very good. A little bit of fighting, but nothing we couldn't sort out.
Yesterday he(23m) wanted to go to a neighboring town to have some drinks with his family. I(20f) was okay with that, but asked if he could stay and comfort me as I was quite sick.
He got annoyed and said "do you just want me to sit here while you're sick or what do you expect me to do" I kind of ignored the remark thinking he would of wanted to relax and watch a movie while I was feeling sick. Yanno just chill out.
Anyway, he just gets up and says "**** it I'm going" and left.
I was shocked, but didn't stop him.
Soon after I realized he left his phone at home, so I brought it back into my room. I stayed awake most of the night sick and waiting for him to get home. He didn't come home.
At About 9am somebody messages his phone and says "tell me" I replied "tell me what" to which he replied "did you sleep with my wife last night or what?"
I immediately replied and told him it was his girlfriend and asked what the hell went on last night. He told me my partners brother called him that morning and said he heard them.
About half a hour later; my partner walks in. I immediately ask him and he admitted he fooled around with this girl(this girl is married with 4 kids and i had helped her out by giving her some work at my workplace for that week before).
He kind of sat around my room for a hour listening to me cry and plead with him why. He couldn't give me an exact reason why except for "I don't know what I was doing" "I didn't mean it".
Now I'm absolutely shattered, the absolute last thing I would ever expect was him to cheat. He was never right into sex and I was the more sexual one in the relationship, so he was well taken care of so to speak.
That night he agreed to meet up with me and we sat and talked for a while. he is not the kind of person who can express his feelings very well, so he was very quiet.
It went okay, but we didn't come to any conclusion, i just wanted to talk with him because he is the only thing that can make me feel even the slightest bit better.
I was okay, keeping my cool, until i woke up last night imagining the scenario over in my head and re-creating what happened. i cant get it off my mind.
I messaged him and let my anger out. "Why would you do this? were you thinking of me? what did you do? did you have sex with her? was there not a single part of you who thought this was wrong?"
all he could say was he doesn't remember, i asked him if he slept with her because he said he "fooled around with her" he said he doesn't remember...
His Sister-in-law was the actual one who heard them. she noticed they left her party in the middle of the night. she got curious and walked to the girls house and went inside, where she heard them. She said my partner returned to the party a little while after that where they confronted him about it. she said they were only gone for about 15 minutes.
I have been all sorts of drunk, but never have i ever cheated or even been tempted by sexual desire.
I am lost. I Love him a lot. I believe this is the only time he has done it. He seems very sorry. but i just cant stop thinking about what happened. I want everything to be back how it was.
Can i forgive? Is it possible? Or should i move on and cut my losses? Have you been able to forgive and move on and everything be okay?