I'm not really sure if this should be posted in the Intimate section or the Break Up advice section, but here we are. Anybody out there have any thoughts on, or experience with break-up sex? My ex and I are still in the "process" of breaking up, meaning we are ending things but we still live together. Since there are kids involved, there are a lot of factors that go in to breaking up besides just the decision to do so, including job changes, moving, figuring out school stuff, etc. Without going too much into detail about why we're splitting up I'll just sum it up by saying she had an affair. However, I'm not holding a grudge. Life is too short to spend all your time hating somebody for the mistakes they made. And since she's genuinely remorseful, it's easy to let go of. However, I'm not about to set myself up to get hurt like that again, so we are breaking up. But we've been getting along really well the last three weeks or so since we talked about all this. In fact, in some ways we are getting along better now that we're breaking up than we did for the last year or so of our relationship.
Which brings me to my issue. My heart and brain know that it's best to end things with her, but my penis didn't get the memo. To put it bluntly, even though we're breaking up and I've accepted that and am okay with it, the fact is she's still hot as hell and I still want to grab her, throw her down on the bed, and have hot passionate sex with her. Which is kind of surprising given the fact that we have not had sex in a VERY long time.
So, is there anybody out there who can help me out with this? Have you been in a similar situation? What did you do? Is there a way that she and I can still get our rocks off together without it complicating the relationship? And if so, how do I even approach that subject with her?